8 July 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Jesuits open new free elementary school for aborigines in Redfern
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – A new, tuition-free Jesuit primary school for Aboriginal children is set to open its doors in Sydney in 2011, providing disadvantaged children with a quality, holistic education which responds ...
25 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Appeal to new government: illegal immigrants must not be demonised or used as “ political capital”
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - In Australia on the occasion of the closing of a National Week for Refugees, Catholic realities, human rights activists and organisation and agencies for refugees appealed to the new prime minist ...
24 June 2010
OCEANIA/MICRONESIA - At the academic centre run by Mercedarian Missionary Sisters on the Island of Pohnpei, besides lessons the pupils experience service
Pohnpei (Agenzia Fides) - For many years Mercedarian Missionary Sisters of Bérriz have borne witness to Christ among the young people on the small Island of Pohnpei, in Micronesia. The Sisters opened a school, Nuestra S ...
18 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Aboriginal Australians to travel to Rome for the canonisation of Blessed Mary MacKillop
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – They will thank the Lord for the gift of Mary Mackillop who did so much to improve the life of the Indigenous people of Australia: about 30 young Indigenous Australians and elders will travel t ...
9 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Year for Priests miracle: increase in new priests and seminarians
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – Six new priests ordained in Sydney and others ordained in Melbourne in 2010; a significant increase in seminarians throughout the country... These are the figures that make up the "miracle that ...
5 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Thousands of women trafficked, deprived of dignity and rights
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – Each year, thousands of women from countries in Asia, Eastern Europe and South America are trafficked to Australia. For the privilege of migrating here, living in this country 'servicing' 6 or ...
5 June 2010
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - The mission starts with the youth
Goroka (Agenzia Fides) – "Papua New Guinea is a country with great variety: over 6 million people, 800 languages, dialects, cultures, and ethnicities. The mission takes into account this diversity, recognizing that the ...
2 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Encounter for vocations ministry in Oceania
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – Identify and adopt new ways and means to promote vocations in Oceania is the objective of the meeting to be held next week in Sydney with over 40 experts and Vocations Directors from Australia, ...
2 June 2010
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Indigenous population has lost rights to territory, natural resources
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) – Papua New Guinea’s indigenous people have lost their right to challenge developers and the state over deals involving their land and resources. Numbering some six million people, Papua ...
1 June 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Catholic bishops discuss modifications proposed by government coalition for migration policies
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The Australian Catholic Bishops are questioning the coalition’s proposed policy changes on immigration and say that a return to the Pacific Solution would show a lack of appreciation of the eth ...
27 May 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Student art exhibit for conclusion of Year for Priests
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Allow students - with their original forms of art, their talent, and their genuine inspiration - to express what they have perceived and reflected on in the Year for Priests and what relationship ...
22 May 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Bishops' petition to defend religious education in public schools
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The bishops of Australia have invited all dioceses of New South Wales to consider contributing to the petition which opposes the teaching of ethics classes in time set aside for Special Religious ...
18 May 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Thousands participate in “Mary - First Disciple,” third e-conference held by Australian Bishops' Conference
Broken Bay (Agenzia Fides) – The Mary - First Disciple National eConference goes live today to thousands of participants across the country and the globe this morning, with talks from scripture scholars, bishops and re ...
14 May 2010
OCEANIA - Bishops: challenges for Church in Oceania are building communion, sharing resources, responding to secularism
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - “We face many challenges in our dioceses and countries including political and economic tensions in some places and the spread of a secularist mentality that seeks to exclude Christianity. Yet, ...
12 May 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Australian PMS show increase in donations to projects worldwide, despite financial crisis
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Despite Australian households being buffeted by the global financial crisis of late 2008, Catholic Mission’s donors defied all expectations with their generosity to our appeals in 2009, increas ...
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