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4 April 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI’s homily during Mass on the first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II: “We hear resounding in our soul his repeated calls to advance without fear along the path of fidelity to the Gospel as heralds and witnesses of Christ in the third millennium”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “This evening our thoughts look back with emotion to the moment of the death of our beloved Pope but at the same time our heart is somehow impelled to look forward. We hear resounding in ...
3 April 2006
VATICAN - Thousands gather in St Peter’s Square for prayer vigil to mark first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II. “He is still present in our minds and in our hearts, he still communicates to us his love for God and his love for humanity” says Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City (Fides Service) - To mark the first anniversary of the death of the servant of God Pope John Paul II Rome diocese organised a Rosary Prayer in St Peter’s Square in the evening of Sunday 2 April. Tens of th ...
3 April 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI at the Angelus recalls John Paul II: “He announced Christ always, proposing Him to everyone as Vatican II had done, as the answer to human expectations, expectations for freedom, justice and peace” - A call to join Iraqi Bishops’ fast and prayer for peace in Iraq and the rest of the world
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “On April 2 last year, a year ago today, our beloved Pope John Paul II was living the last stage of his earthly pilgrimage of faith, love and hope which left a profound mark on the histor ...
1 April 2006
VATICAN - “Man cannot fully understand himself without God. This is why the religious dimension of human life cannot be overlooked as we undertake to build the Europe of the third millennium.”: the Pope addresses participants at Seminar organised by the Congregation for Catholic Education
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning Pope Benedict XVI received in a special audience in the Sala Clementina in the Vatican, participants from fifty different countries at a Seminar organised by the Congregation f ...
31 March 2006
VATICAN - “Christ the High Priest in his concern for the Church calls individuals to care for his people in every generation; in particular he calls to the priestly ministry men who exercise a paternal function which has its source in the paternity of God”: Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for Vocations Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The celebration of the next World Day of Prayer for Vocations gives me an opportunity to encourage the People of God to reflect on the theme of Vocations in the mystery of the Church” ...
30 March 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI’s General audience teaching: “Communion of life between God and us is the purpose of the proclamation of the Gospel, the purpose of conversion to Christianity... this twofold communion with God and among ourselves is indissoluble”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The gift of "Communion" was the theme chosen by Pope Benedict XVI for his general audience on Wednesday 29 March. Addressing several thousands of visitors gathered in St Peter’s Square th ...
30 March 2006
VATICAN - WORDS OF DOCTRINE Rev Nicola Bux and Rev Salvatore Vitello - “Deus Caritas est”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The title of the recent Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI is of immense prophetic value in our times marked by great promise for dialogue and encounter and at the same time by the realistic o ...
29 March 2006
VATICAN - “Beauty, path for evangelisation and dialogue”: conclusions of Pontifical Council for Culture
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The conclusions have been published of the plenary assembly of Pontifical Council for Culture held 27 and 28 March in the Vatican on “Beauty, path for evangelisation and dialogue”. ...
28 March 2006
VATICAN - Planning and building God’s house. Contribution by Bishop Mauro Piacenza, President of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church. “The Altar”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The altar on which the sacrifice of the cross is made present in sacramental signs is also the Lord’s table at which the people of God are called to participate when they are gathered ...
28 March 2006
VATICAN - On the first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II Rome diocese organises evening prayers in St Peter’s Square
Rome (Fides Service) - For Sunday 2 April the first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II the diocese of Rome is organising with his successor Pope Benedict XVI a prayer vigil in St Peter’s Square to thank God ...
27 March 2006
VATICAN - Final statement of the 12th General Assembly and of the International Congress on: «The Human Embryo before Implantation. Scientific Update and Bio-ethical Considerations»
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of its 12th general assembly the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) organised an international congress on the «The Human Embryo before Implantation. Scientific Update and ...
27 March 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI pastoral visit to parish of God the Merciful Father: “despite our unworthiness, we are the objects of the infinite mercy of God. God loves us with a love which we might call “obstinate” and he holds us close in his inexhaustible tenderness
Rome (Fides Service) - On the fourth Sunday of Lent, 26 March Pope Benedict, the Bishop of Rome, made a pastoral visit to one of his parishes, the parish of God the Merciful Father built at the request of Pope John Paul ...
27 March 2006
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope remembers persecuted Christians and martyr missionaries “the Consistory was an event which made us feel closer than ever to Christians who are persecuted for their faith”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At midday on Sunday 26 March, following his morning visit to the Roman parish of God the Merciful Father, Benedict XVI appeared at the window of his study to pray the Angelus with thousands ...
25 March 2006
VATICAN - The Pope celebrates Mass with fifteen new cardinals and consigns to them the cardinal’s ring, ‘sign of dignity, pastoral concern and communion with the See of Peter’
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Today 25 March, Feast of the Annunciation, Pope Benedict XVI presided Mass in St Peter’s Square at which the 15 new Cardinals concelebrated. During the Mass the Pope gave each of them the ...
24 March 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI presides first Consistory for 15 new Cardinals
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI presided this morning 24 March 2006 in St Peter’s Square his first Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of fifteen new Cardinals. The first of ...
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