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16 February 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI sends Message to Archbishop of San Cristobal de La Habana for 20th anniversary of the Cuban National Ecclesial Encounter: Only through the gaze of God, a loving gaze, will it be possible to arrive at the truth of each individual, of each group and of those who live together in one land”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Pope Benedict XVI sent a Message to Cardinal Jaime Ortega y Alamino, archbishop of San Cristobal de La Habana and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, for the occasion o ...
15 February 2006
VATICAN - “May each one of us glorify the Lord with the soul of Mary and rejoice in God with the spirit of Mary”.…”. the Pope concludes long series of catechesis on the psalms with a reflection on the Magnificat
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning because of the large crowds who had come from all over the world to see Pope Benedict XVI the general audience was held in two parts, first in St Peter’s Basilica and then in ...
15 February 2006
VATICAN - Conclusions of Apostleship of the Sea Regional Coordinators Meeting: “although international bodies and some religious, governmental and non-governmental organisations are very active in this sector and that many positive developments have happened in some regions, overall the situation in the maritime world has not really improved”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The goal of the Apostleship of the Sea goal is not to run profit making centres but to up hold the dignity of seafarers by caring for their spiritual, moral and physical well-being. This st ...
15 February 2006
VATICAN - Initiatives for fifth centenary of Vatican Museums (1506-2006) presented by Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka and Vatican Museums director Francesco Buranelli
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This year 2006 is the 5th hundredth anniversary of the fortunate discovery of the marble statue of Laocoon and his sons 14 January 1506 on the Colle Oppio in Rome. A series of initiatives o ...
13 February 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI meets the sick in St Peter’s on World Day for the Sick: “May it please the Lord to see that people in need never feel alone or abandoned, on the contrary, may they be assisted and helped to live sickness with human dignity”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope Benedict XVI meets with sick people in St Peter’s Basilica on the occasion of the World Day for the Sick. At the end of a special Mass celebrated by Cardinal Camillo Ruini the Pope w ...
10 February 2006
VATICAN - The Prefect and the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples send telegramme of sympathy on the death of elderly Missionary shot dead in Angola
Vatican City (Fides Service)- The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe and the secretary Archbishop Robert Sarah, sent a telegramme of sympathy to the Archbishop of Hua ...
10 February 2006
VATICAN - Holy See Press Office declaration with regard to Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Turkey later this year
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At the end of the morning on 9 February the head of the Holy See Press Office Joaquín Navarro-Valls released the following declaration in Italian: “I confirm that the President of Turkey ...
9 February 2006
VATICAN - In memory of Italian missionary Fr Andrea Santoro: Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
Vatican City (Fides) - “Unless the grain of wheat which falls to the ground dies, it remains alone; if it dies, it produces much fruit” (Jn 12,24). This Gospel verse, we learn from those around him, was often on the ...
8 February 2006
VATICAN - “God expresses his royalty by caring for the most fragile and helpless of his creatures”: the Pope says in his weekly teaching at the general audience during which he mentioned Fr Andrea Santoro the Italian missionary murdered in Turkey last Sunday
Vatican City (Fides Service) - During his general audience this morning in the Paul VI Hall Pope Benedict XVI explained the meaning of the second part of Psalm 144 (verses14-21 - “Your Kingdom is eternal” - vespers F ...
3 February 2006
VATICAN - Pontifical Academy for Life: International Congress on “The Human Embryo before Implantation” 27 and 28 February followed by 12 general assembly
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “The Human Embryo before Implantation” is the theme of an international congress to be held in the Vatican 27 and 28 February 2006 at the New Synod Hall, organised by the Pontifical A ...
3 February 2006
VATICAN - Day of Consecrated Life: Pope Benedict XVI encourages men and women religious “like lighted candles, irradiate always and everywhere the love of Christ, light of the world ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his homily during 5.30pm evening Mass in St Peter’s on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord at the Temple, February 2, also known as Candlemass, and celebrated by the Church as th ...
1 February 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI issues Message for Lent on the theme of development: “In the face of the terrible challenge of poverty afflicting so much of the world’s population, indifference and self-centred isolation stand in stark contrast to the “gaze” of Christ.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Jesus, at the sight of the crowds, was moved with pity” (Mt 9:36) is the theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s first message for Lent in which he focuses on the question of development. Here ...
1 February 2006
VATICAN - “We are not at the mercy of dark forces, nor are we alone with our freedom; rather we are entrusted to the action of the powerful and loving Lord”: the pope says a Pope Benedict’s weekly audience
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his teaching at the general audience in the Paul VI Hall this morning the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI reflected on Psalm 144 (Vespers Friday week 4) in which, he said, the Lord is exa ...
30 January 2006
VATICAN - Benedict XVI at the midday Angelus prayer recalls “the importance of consecrated life as expression and school of charity” and on World Leprosy Day he encourages “missionaries, healthcare workers and volunteers working on this frontier of service to humanity”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The importance of consecrated life “expression and school of charity” was the principle theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s reflection before the recitation of the midday Angelus prayer on S ...
28 January 2006
VATICAN - Pope Benedict receives Bishops of Congo Kinshasa: “Church of God in the Democratic Republic of Congo, never lose the joy of believing and sharing the Gospel of Christ our Saviour!
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On Friday 27 January Pope Benedict XVI received a group of Catholic Bishops from Democratic Congo. In his address the Pope said “In recent years your country has experienced bloody confli ...
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