21 November 2019
ASIA/THAILAND - Pope Francis: a missionary is not a "mercenary of the faith"
Bangkok (Agenzia Fides) - A missionary "is not a mercenary of the faith or a producer of proselytes". He is rather a humble mendicant who feels the absence of brothers, sisters and mothers, "with whom to share the irrev ...
8 November 2019
VATICAN - The "red missionary thread" that links children and young people of the Holy Childhood
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - In this edition "we would like to speak especially about them, the adolescents, an age that the Society of the Holy Childhood (POSI) does not seem to be engaged with in any evident manner, ...
5 November 2019
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni: "The Pope thanks everyone for the "great work" carried out in the Extraordinary Missionary Month"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "At the end of the liturgical celebration presided over by Pope Francis, on the occasion of World Mission Sunday, October 20, the Holy Father, referring to the Extraordinary Missionary Month that w ...
4 November 2019
VATICAN - The Pope and mission: “Without Jesus we can do nothing”
At the end of the Extraordinary Missionary Month, we are providing a few extracts from the book-length interview of Gianni Valente from Fides News Agency with Pope Francis, in which the Pope emphasizes that “Either the ...
19 October 2019
VATICAN - Catholic Church Statistics 2019
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On the occasion of the 93rd World Mission Sunday, October 20, 2019, which is celebrated in the context of the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019, announced by Pope Francis in the c ...
16 October 2019
VATICAN - Extraordinary missionary Month: the first missionary activity is prayer
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Pauline Jaricot, a French lay woman, now Venerable, who in 1822 founded the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, conceived and placed prayer at the beginning of the missionary activity ...
15 October 2019
VATICAN - Study day on Cardinal Newman, "the Augustine of modern times"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "On the eve of the canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman, this day dedicated to the study of the Blessed introduces us not only to the better knowledge of the multiform, extraordinary, ...
12 October 2019
VATICAN - "Cor ad Cor loquitur": Academic act at Urbaniana University on Blessed John Henry Newman
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "John Henry Newman, a year before his death, in 1879, created Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII, chose as his motto the expression, 'Cor ad cor loquitur', which recalled St. Augustin, summarizing t ...
8 October 2019
VATICAN - Prayer, soul of the mission: the Rosary for the extraordinary missionary Month
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "Pray for the work of the missionaries and for the proclamation of the Gospel; today, in particular, let us pray for the synod on the Amazon. Let us not forget, moreover, persecuted Christians who ...
7 October 2019
VATICAN - The Pope opens the Synod for the Amazon: "do not extinguish the fire of mission"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Rekindling our gift in the fire of the Spirit is the opposite of letting things take their course without doing anything. Fidelity to the newness of the Spirit is a grace that we must ask ...
2 October 2019
VATICAN - The Pope opens the Extraordinary Missionary Month: "to motivate us to be active in doing good"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The Lord calls us to make our talents bear fruit, with boldness and creativity. God will ask us if we stepped forward and took risks, even losing face. This extraordinary Missionary Month ...
1 October 2019
VATICAN - "Christ fulfills his mission": the Extraordinary Missionary Month begins
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Mission is first and foremost the work of God himself and is entrusted to the disciples who place Christ at the center of their lives. The Church lives and carries out the mission entruste ...
30 September 2019
VATICAN - "An extraordinary time of missionary activity" begins tomorrow
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "For the month of October 2019 I asked the whole Church to live an extraordinary time of missionary activity to commemorate the centenary of the promulgation of the Apostolic Letter Maximum ...
18 September 2019
VATICAN - Pope Francis will inaugurate the Extraordinary Missionary Month in the Vatican Basilica
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The feast of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, since 1927 proclaimed Patroness of the Missions with Saint Francis Xavier, which traditionally marks the beginning of Missionary October, will ...
2 September 2019
VATICAN - Consistory for 13 new Cardinals: "their origin expresses the missionary vocation of the Church"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - After the Angelus Address the Pope yesterday, Sunday, September 1, the Holy Father announced a Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals with these words: "On Oct. 5 I will hold a consis ...
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