VATICAN - The challenges of mission in Asia: a conference at the Urbaniana

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 missionaries   mission   evangelization   pontifical urbaniana university   pontifical mission societies  

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The conference that, on the 20th anniversary of the post-synodal exhortation "Ecclesia in Asia", is to be held at the Pontifical Urbaniana University on 18 and 19 December focuses on the challenges of the Christian mission in Asia. Organized thanks to the partnership between the Pontifical Theological Faculty of San Bonaventura - Seraphicum, the Pontifical Urbaniana University and the Pontifical Missionary Union, the conference entitled "Transforming Asia" will analyze, in the first session, the state of evangelization in Southeast Asian societies. After the opening entrusted to Prof. Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen OFMConv, President of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of San Bonaventura and Director of the Franciscan Institute of Asian Theological Studies, Fr. Gianni Criveller PIME, will speak on the "Anthropological and social transformations in contemporary Asia", while the Dominican, Fr. Joseph Nguyen Tat Thang OP will focus on "Trends in Catholic religious life in the Churches of Southeast Asia". In the following reports, with the moderation of Fr. Fabrizio Meroni, Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union, Fr. Paulus Y Pham outlines the "Vietnamese Perspectives on the Ecclesia in Asia", while Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden SVD talks about "Challenges that the Christian mission must face in Indonesia". The Franciscan, Fr. Francis Yongho Lee OFM is entrusted with a "Buddhist reflection on Franciscan spirituality", according to comparative theology, in the light of "Ecclesia in Asia".
The second day of the works focuses on the analysis of the Christian mission in Indian and Chinese society. Prof. Gaetano Sabetta investigates the "Christian religious perspectives in the face of those in Asia: needs, possibilities and limits of dialogue", while Professor Elisa Giunipero will speak on "The Agreement between the Holy See and China: developments and challenges". Finally, a look at South Asia with the analysis of contexts like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan. (Agenzia Fides, 17/12/2019)
