VATICAN - Jubilee of the Missionary World: "Paths of Hope" in the Mission "ad gentes"

Monday, 24 March 2025

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – They want to be signs of hope by proclaiming Christ, who consoles humanity, frees it from slavery, and restores divine dignity. These aspects are at the heart of the experiences and reflections of the missionaries that are part of the "Paths of Hope" in the Mission "ad gentes" initiative, which opens on Tuesday, March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord.
The Pontifical Missionary Union (PUM) and the Secretariat for Missionary Animation of the Lazio Region (SUAM LAZIO) have launched this initiative of missionary spirituality during the Jubilee Year, which will culminate in October with the Jubilee of the Missionary World (October 4-5). The Basilica of the Holy Apostles in Rome will host this missionary "journey," which can also be followed online (see Zoom link in the event program). The events, held in Italian at 4:30 p.m., will include an introduction to the theme, testimonies, and concluding reflections. They will run from March to November, including the preparatory vigil for the Jubilee of the Missionary World on October 1, the liturgical feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, patroness of the missions. The events will focus on the Pope's message for World Mission Sunday 2025, and in the months leading up to the Jubilee of the Missionary World, testimonies from members of various missionary institutes will be featured as participants in the meetings. Their stories will provide insight into the realities in which they work daily. Contributions to "hope" - the key word of the Jubilee - based on everyday life, often complex and difficult situations, will characterize the events, which will open on March 25 with reports from missionaries of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) and the testimony of Sister Marilena Boracchi who will reflect on "Father Paolo Manna: The missionary is nothing if he does not embody Jesus Christ." The first event, entitled "Missionary Spirituality in the Jubilee of Hope," will also address the message of World Mission Day 2025 and the Jubilee's opening bull, "Spes Non Confundit." The "Path of consolation among Peoples" will be the focus of the second meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, April 29, where the Consolata Missionaries will bear witness in the presence of Father Antonio Rovelli. Three further meetings are planned for May 15, September 16, and November 11, respectively. (EG) (Agenzia Fides, 24/3/2025)
