VATICAN - LXXII (Year 2008) version of “Missionary Bibliography”

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – The Library of the Pontifical Urban University has published the LXXII volume of "Bibliography Mission" for the Year 2008. This book, unique in its kind, provides a rich documentation of books and articles concerning the missionary world in its different aspects, both historical and contemporary religious orders, congregations, missionaries, mission territories, missionary methodology, interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, new religious movements... Each year it presents a comprehensive overview of about 3000-3500 records on what has been published on the missions in more than 800 journals worldwide. The book is in English, while the quotations from the books and articles are in the original languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, and Scandinavian.
The Missionary Bibliography was founded in 1925 by Fr. Johannes Rommerskirchen, OMI, and since 1978 has joined the Library of the Pontifical Urban University. The current editor is Fr. Rostrowski Marek, OMI, Librarian. Volume LXXII, the most-recently published for the Year 2008, reports 4,138 articles, essays, and publications on 22 topics including: the theology of mission, mission history, current state and future of the mission, missionary institutes, ecumenical dialogue and mission, religions in general, mission and atheism, mission and culture, situation of the mission in different continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, the United States and Canada, Australia and Oceania. There is also a review of 39 books of missionary character. The volume is supplemented by two broad indexes: the index of authors and persons and the index of the materials. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 1/12/2009)
