AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Lujan launches bicentennial celebration, Church appeal for reconciliation

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – The Permanent Committee of the Argentinean Bishops' Conference (CEA) announced that there will be a march on May 8, in the Belgrano Square of Lujan, in honor of the bicentennial celebration, during which it will ask the government and the opposition to engage in dialogue for national reconciliation. This is one of the decisions made by the bishops, after the first meeting of the Commission, which also analyzed the consequences of conflict caused by the government's decision to use the reserves of the Central Bank to pay the foreign debt (see Fides 10/03/2010 ).
Furthermore, the Permanent Commission of Bishops, chaired by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, described the details of the public on May 8. With the slogan "With Mary, we seek to build a homeland for all,” the celebration will take place in the central square of Lujan, but will also take place simultaneously at other shrines in the country. The bishops propose the celebration as a "national act,” in which all citizens are invited to light a candle and recite the Prayer for the Nation, written by the bishops during the 2001 crisis. The event will take place at 3pm, followed by a Holy Mass presided by Cardinal Bergoglio. At 4:30, there is a festival of artists of the Argentinean culture.
To accompany the initiative, the Association of "Pilgrims Walking Towards Lujan" has decided to begin one of its traditional pilgrimages this year a day earlier. For the main event in Lujan, the Church awaits the arrival of delegations from parishes, schools, movements, and associations of the city and from the Province of Buenos Aires.
The conclusions of the bishops' meeting will be made known through a document. It seems that the bishops will request that the national government and the opposition meet to resolve their differences through dialogue and finally, to reach agreements and avoid political tensions from degenerating into social disorder, which would be especially detrimental to the poorest in the country. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/03/2010)
