San Roque (Agenzia Fides) - More than 70 missionaries, including entire families, are participating in the Diocesan Mission 2025 of the Diocese of San Roque of Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, which is taking place in the area called El Impenetrable, in Chaco. El Impenetrable owes its name to its difficult access due to the harsh nature that characterizes the mountain making it difficult to reach and above all to the scarcity of water.
This year there are five different mission centers through which the volunteers are traveling. "It is complicated to organize everything to get to these places and even more difficult to say goodbye to their inhabitants. However, upon arrival, we feel how God fixes everything," the missionaries said in a local note. "It saddens us to have to say goodbye to the families we have met and with whom we have shared many moments during these days. We would like to stay longer but we know that everything has an end. That is the experience of being missionaries.
The diocesan mission in Impenetrable was launched more than 30 years ago with the aim of reaching out to families who, due to geographical distance, belong to the most remote areas of the diocese of San Roque. Unfortunately, in some localities in this vast area in the north of the diocese, priests can only celebrate the sacraments two or three times a year and there are very few catechists to serve the numerous communities. (AP) (Agenzia Fides, 17/1/2025)