Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Church in mission lands manages hundreds of centers for prevention and treatment of AIDS/HIV. Thanks to a generous benefactor, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples has sent more than 1.2 million euros to 131 centers in 41 countries. Most of the contributions have been allocated to Africa, where they have gone to support 104 facilities in 24 countries. Next is America, with 14 centers in 6 countries; Asia, with 11 structures in 9 countries, and Oceania, where there are 3 centers in 2 countries that will receive aid.
The AIDS/HIV pandemic is indeed one of the most common worldwide, especially in Africa. Although the new medical breakthroughs and the discovery of more potent drugs can cure and heal many people with the disease, the disease still claims many victims each year. It is very important to promote prevention programs to make people understand the risks involved in contact, especially intimate contact, with people carrying the virus.
In addition, the Missionary Congregation has earmarked some 300,000 euros in support of IDPs, especially in the area of Likouala in the Republic of Congo, Darfur in Sudan, Kikwit in the Dem. Rep. of Congo, Gulu in Uganda, and for earthquake victims in Haiti. The displaced, who are living in appalling conditions and suffering from hunger, present another great challenge in many parts of the world as a result of wars and natural disasters. Helping them is not only a gesture of Christian charity, but also a sign of solidarity demanded by the social justice to which all peoples are entitled. (Agenzia Fides 23/08/2010)