Vatican (Agenzia Fides) - Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, this morning presented in the Holy See Press Office the “Lineamenta” (Guidelines) for the XIII General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which will be held at the Vatican from 7 to 28 October 2012, on the theme of “Nova evangelizatio ad christianam fidem tradendam” (The new evangelisation for the transmission of the Christian faith).
Archbishop Eterovic, presenting the structure of the “Guidelines”, explained that they are divided into three chapters: 1) Time for a new evangelisation; 2) Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ; 3) Initiation into the Christian experience. There is also an Introduction, preceded by a Preface and a brief Conclusion.
The first chapter, “Time for a new evangelisation”, describes “the birth of the concept of new evangelisation and its diffusion throughout the Pontificates of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI”. This section lists the “six sectors” which the Church has to confront in order to be “equal to the challenges posed to the Christian faith by today's social and cultural context”. These six sectors are: secularisation, immigration, communication, the economic sector, scientific and technological research and the political sector. “In the face of these challenges, the Church should find new expressions of evangelisation, adapted to the social contexts and present cultures undergoing great change. Conserving its missionary nature, the Church should maintain its popular, domestic dimension, even in minority or discriminative contexts.”
“Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ”, the second chapter, asserts that “the aim of evangelisation and more specifically of the new evangelisation is the proclamation of the Gospel and the transmission of faith. The Gospel is to be understood not as a book or a doctrine, but rather as a person: Jesus Christ, the definitive Word of God, who made himself a man.” The Church reflected on the transmission of faith in the Synod of 1977. The results are presented in the Apostolic Exhortation Catechetical tradendae, the document cited in the “Guidelines” with the General Directory for Catechesis. Returning to the main topics, the “Guidelines” attempt to apply them to current social and ecclesial situations.
The third chapter, “Initiation into the Christian experience”, “reinvites”, says the Secretary General of the Synod, “reflection on the tools of the Church for introducing the faith and, in particular, Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Communion, touching on the various issues associated with the administration of these sacraments.”
Finally, the Conclusion reaffirms that “the new evangelisation should aim to revive in the original enthusiasm in Christians, a new mission that should involve all members of God's Community.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 04/03/2011)