Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – The love for the Church in China, exhausted for internal and external causes, was the element that inspired members of the homonym Commission , which guided their reflections in three days of work, which took place from 11 to 13 April at the Vatican.
The message that the Commission decided to write to Chinese Catholics, has a patristic sound. It calls back those radical evangelical values that characterize the Church of Christ.
As in the book of Revelation, we encourage Christians, who live in difficult times and serious difficulties, perseverance and faithfulness in Christ, in communion with the Church, presided over by the Pope, the Successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ and Pastor of the universal Church (cf. CIC, c. 333).
Guided by the Spirit, the members of the Commission have each shared their concerns, experiences and knowledge of the delicate situation with a view to providing pastoral information in a period of confusion
They therefore examined the real situation of the dioceses, recognizing the need to redraw the territorial areas and the need to better define the training of the clergy and religious . This has been recognized as a priority. Although vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life is not lacking, these churches do not always have sufficient financial resources and teachers.
With a great sense of responsibility, the Commission observed that the dialogue with civil authorities seems to have had a setback for the Episcopal ordination in Chengde, where some bishops, who were forced to go, had to assist as concelebrants.
To eliminate any form of confusion or misunderstanding in their respective dioceses, the bishops concerned are advised to clarify their position and to profess their union with the Pope again, cum Petro et sub Petro. The faithful, in turn, should show their affection to their Bishops, by supporting them with solidarity and prayers. At the same time dialogue with civil authorities is being asked to continue with patience and confidence, in order to help create a society that lives in peace and harmony.
Dialogue exists if it is based on true facts, as in this case. The Commission, in the name of an essential principle, which is the freedom of the Church and of its catholicity, states that the appointment of Bishops is held only by the Holy See, "because this touches the heart of church life” . And still underlines that this freedom is strictly religious, which "does not interfere in the internal affairs of a State and offends its sovereignty."
Besides, it confirms what was said in the letter that the Holy Father addressed to the Church in China in 2007, according to the homily on January 1 last year, when the Pope defended the religious freedom as fundamental for any other human freedom. P. Vito Del Prete, PIME (Agenzia Fides 16/04/2011)