Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) – On Sunday, July 10, on the occasion of the celebration of the so-called "Sea Sunday", that is to say the Day for the apostolate in the maritime environment, during the Angelus the Holy Father launched an appeal for the seamen who have been kidnapped: "I address a special thought to the Chaplains and volunteers who devote themselves to the pastoral care of seafarers, fishermen and their families. I assure you of my prayers for seafarers who unfortunately find themselves kidnapped by pirates. I hope they are treated with respect and humanity, and pray for their families so that they are strong in faith and do not lose hope to be with their loved ones soon".
Before the Marian prayer, recited in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo where the Pope will stay for a period of rest, he focused on the Sunday Gospel, the parable of the sower. "It is a page in some way 'autobiographical '- the Pope said - because it reflects the experience of Jesus himself, of his preaching: He identifies himself with the sower, who sows the good seed of the Word of God, and is aware of the different effects achieved, depending on the type of reception the proclamation receives... But this Gospel also insists on the 'method' of Jesus' preaching, that is, in fact, the use of parables... to his disciples, to those who have already decided for Him, He can speak of the Kingdom of God openly, but to others He must proclaim the Word in parables, to stimulate the decision, the conversion of the heart; the parables, in fact, by their nature require an effort of interpretation, they question intelligence, but also freedom". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2011)