Bhubaneswar (Agenzia Fides) - It is a victory for the Catholic Church in Orissa: the local government of Kandhamal district, the scene of anti-Christian violence in 2008, announced the cancellation of the demolition orders for five churches. The structures risked being demolished under an order that said that the buildings had sprung up on land owned by the State without permission. The Christians stated their right to rebuild more than 230 churches and chapels destroyed in the wave of violence in 2008. (See Fides 22/8/2011).
The decision to block the demolitions - inform local sources of Fides - was taken after the meeting between the authorities and a delegation of Christians in Orissa that included two priests (Fr. Mathew Puthyadam and Fr. Jashabandh Pradhan), a lay Catholic (Jyotisen Parichha) and a Monfort missionary (Brother K.J. Markose). Christians also complained about the presence of "anti-social" elements, who continue to intimidate the faithful and undermine social and religious peace in the district.
The chief of Kandhamal district gave ample assurance to the delegation concerning the block of the demolition of the chapel in the village of Padunbadi and for the other churches in question, ensuring also measures to stop groups of troublemakers. In the meeting compensation to the faithful who lost homes and property was also discussed, another issue on which the civil authorities have reaffirmed their decision to provide for.
Regarding the local situation, Brother K. J. Markose told Fides: "In Kandhamal, peace is still a mirage. We live in fear. Local Christians did not even have the courage to publicly remember the martyrs of 2008. Our people are still living in tents, living in extreme poverty and many are afraid to return to visit their native villages. Christians are not allowed to repair or rebuild their homes. Nor can we rebuild the churches that the radical Hindus razed to the ground in 2008".
Regarding the activities of radical Hindu groups, the missionary told Fides an episode: "In past weeks there was a meeting of militant Hindu radicals in Phulbani. Many spoke out against the Christians, spreading hate, launching false accusations and claiming that they are against the Indian nation. But none of the local Christians had the courage to report the incident to the police, the press or to report it to the local magistrate". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/09/2011)