Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The present time, in fact, calls upon the Church to embark on a new evangelization also in the vast and complex phenomenon of human mobility. This call for an intensification of her missionary activity both in the regions where the Gospel is proclaimed for the first time and in countries with a Christian tradition" : this is what Benedict XVI says in his message for the 98th "World Day of Migrants and Refugees" (which will be celebrated on January 15, 2012), on the theme "Migrations and New Evangelization". The text - presented today at the Vatican - notes the challenges and difficulties of the work of evangelization today: secularization, the emergence of new sectarian movements, widespread insensitivity to the Christian faith and a marked tendency to fragmentation.
In this context, the breaking down of frontiers", the processes of globalization, migration, are for the Church the call to give "new evangelization ", and new pastoral strategies.
This process is bidirectional: "Today's migration - explains Benedict XVI - is a providential opportunity to proclaim the Gospel in the contemporary world. Men and women from various regions of the earth, who have not yet met Jesus Christ, asking to be welcomed in countries of ancient Christian tradition. You need to find appropriate ways for them to meet and know Jesus Christ and experience the priceless gift of salvation, which is the source for all of 'abundant life' (Jn 10.10). The migrants themselves have a valuable role in this regard as they can in turn become heralds of the Word of God and witnesses of the Risen Jesus, Hope of the World".
The Pope stresses the urgent need to protect those fleeing "persecution and violence" and require "respect for their human dignity". The states and the international community, says the Message, are called to welcome refugees, "overcoming fears and avoiding discrimination". The text calls, finally, the Christian communities to promote "new planning policies, economic and social changes that promote respect for the dignity of every human person, the protection of the family, access to decent accommodation, work and assistance". (Agenzia Fides 25/10/2011)