Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - The orders and religious congregations in India are called to turn their attention to service and commitment towards mission: was the conclusion of the Missionary Congress held recently in Bangalore, organized by the Conference of Religious in India. The Congress, which saw the participation of over 300 priests, religious and nuns, was an important moment for reflection on how to involve the different charisms of the religious orders in the service of evangelization. The speakers at the Congress were, among others, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, President of the Episcopal Conference of India; the Apostolic Nuncio Salvatore Pennacchio; Mar Baselios Cleemis, Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malankara Church. Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, sent a message to the assembly.
According to Mgr. Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, thereligious, with their lifestyle and their commitment, "are destined to be witnesses. They are located in the heart of the Church and should be instruments to evangelization culture, social structures, economy, and other aspects of human life." "The same religious and priestly consecration - added Thomas Aykara CMI - is essentially evangelizing." The Congress emphasized that the missionary practice is threefold: direct and indirect evangelization, the witness of life. And the religious have a role as "pioneers in the missionary activity of the Church." Among the specific missionary commitments identified, there is the youth ministry and the Indian missions abroad. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/4/2012)