Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - Saturday, May 11 the Syrian Christians of all Churches and ecclesial communities have organized a day of prayer to "pray God to grant mercy to Syria and to put an end to the violence." The appeal to pray for Syria, entitled "The prayer of a broken heart", has been extended to Christians throughout the world, causing extensive adhesions.
In Syria, 12 Christian churches and confessions will take part in the day of prayer. "It is too risky to move in combat areas. We will have to limit ourselves to local meetings throughout the Country, in homes, in meeting places and in churches," is what is written in the text of the appeal publicized over the internet. There are 4 prayer intentions: the return of peace, the liberation of all hostages, the care of children traumatized by war, urgent request for humanitarian relief to all refugees.
"The people" refers father David Fernandez to the Agency from Aleppo, a priest of the Institute of the Incarnate Word "were looking forward to the month of May to ask Mary for the grace of peace. With refugees and those who manage to come every afternoon we celebrate Mass, we pray the Holy Rosary with this intention. Everyone is singing the litanies and the final hymn to the Virgin with great emotion. They ask Mary the gift of peace, addressing her as the one who can still help them keep hope alive in the terrible situation we are experiencing." (GV) (Agenzia Fides 10/05/2013).