Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - The Diocese of Faiasalabad in the heart of Pakistani Punjab, has declared 2014 "a year of peace and hope": is what the new Bishop, Mgr. Joseph Arshad said, who is making a pastoral visit to parishes, communities, educational institutions in the area, to learn more about the different realities, meet priests and religious men and women, listen to the faithful. All in the name of two words: peace and hope.
As Fr. Emmanuel Parvez, pastor of the St. Paul Church in Pansara says, "the bishop continues to become familiar with the nature and potentiality of the diocesan Catholic reality, trying to exploit the existing pastoral resources". In particular, the work carried out by Fr. Parvez regards children: the priest has launched a special "childhood pastoral", thanks to the presence of a statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague. Fr. Parvez promotes spirituality and prayer meetings, educational, social, cultural and recreational activities that involve thousands of Christian and Muslim children. "Dialogue, peace and reconciliation, in the name of Christ, who loves us all, start right from childhood. If children of different religions are educated to getting to know each other and to live peacefully together, the foundation for a harmonious society are laid", he explains. Bishop Arshad and also the Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Pakistan, Fr. Waseem Walter, appreciate and encourage the pastoral work with children promoted by Fr. Parvez. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/01/2014)