Okara (Agenzia Fides) - On June 3, five armed men entered the home of Rev. David Hanook, Protestant Pastor of the Church of Pakistan (Anglican), in a village near Okara, in the diocese of Lahore, taking the Pastor and his entire family hostage for four hours. The men stole valuables, threatening and terrorizing the family. Only the intervention of the guardian saved them from a worse fate: hearing the noises, the guardian called other Christians in the area who bravely surrounded the Pastor’s house, forcing the robbers to flee.
The Pastor has filed a complaint to the police. According to local sources of Fides, it is suspected that the criminals are radical Muslims who already days before threatened to set fire to the Christian village. The Pastor’s family, who now are no longer safe in the village, will be forced to change residence. "We faced death, but the Lord Jesus Christ had mercy on us and saved us", said the Pastor of the LEAD organization, which defends Pakistani Christians, giving them legal assistance. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 06/05/2014)