Quetta (Agenzia Fides) - "The culture of intolerance generates terrorism", so this is the root to be eradicated: this was said by the president of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, judge Tassaduq Hussain Villani, speaking at a meeting organized in Quetta by the High Court of Baluchistan, in the aftermath of the murder of Christian MP Handry Masih (see Fides 14/06/2014). "Those who promote terrorism, bring a distorted vision of Islam.
These have created a mindset that needs to be changed. The murder of any individual, regardless of their religious beliefs, is the murder of all humanity", he remarked.
As Fides learns, the Christian community in Quetta is still shaken by the tragic event and has organized several prayer meetings. In a note sent to Fides, Farrukh Saif, head of the NGO "World Vision in Progress", active in Baluchistan, has condemned the murder of Handry Masih, who was "a man of faith, who supported the Church", calling for an urgent review of the government's policy towards religious minorities in Pakistan. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 16/06/2014)