Aachena (Agenzia Fides) - "The year 2014 is dedicated to Pakistan. Every year 'Missio' focuses on a reality with the dual aim of sensitizing the conscience of citizens in Europe and to launch special missionary cooperation. Even for October missionary month, and for World Mission Day initiatives and testimonies dedicated to Pakistan have been planned": says in an interview with Fides Agency, Mgr. Klaus Kraemer, Director of "Missio-Aachen" in Germany, which is part of the network of the Pontifical Mission Societies. Mgr. Kraemer talked to Fides about his recent trip to the country: "A delegation of Missio stopped over in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. We met bishops, seminarians and the faithful. The situation of Christians remains complicated, in an Islamic context. The Church continues with conviction through interreligious dialogue".
Among the challenges the nation faces, he says, "there is that of terrorism. One notes the presence of police everywhere and people are afraid of sudden terrorist attacks by the Taliban. The law of blasphemy and its consequences is also a very delicate situation. In recent years intolerance has worsened".
"Missio on one hand helps the Church of Pakistan in the formation of priests, religious, laity, catechists", explains Kraemer. On the other hand, "it is important to make efforts to raise awareness to prayer and cooperation among citizens of Western countries", notes the Director.
During the trip carried out by Missio, a delegation of the German government was present in Pakistan and "in joint meetings with civil authorities in Pakistan, the issue of respect for human rights in the country was raised".
On the occasion of World Mission Day "we have organized more than 300 events in all the dioceses in Germany, with the witnesses of Pakistani Christians who will also visit the German Parliament. Our special support for the Church in Pakistan will continue in the coming years", said Mgr. Kraemer. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/06/2014)