Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Zafar Bhatti, an innocent man killed "is a new martyr", says in an interview with Fides Agency, prof. Shahid Mobeen, Pakistani professor of Islamic mysticism at the Pontifical Lateran University and engaged in the association of Pakistani Christians in Italy. There is still shock in Pakistan and abroad for the murder of Protestant Pastor Zafar Bhatti, who was accused of blasphemy and shot dead on September 25 in prison in Rawalpindi. "It must be said that, according to the principles of the rule of law, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. More so in blasphemy cases where the allegations are false and often specious. The police, who should protect prisoners, become executioner: it is abhorrent", notes Mobeen.
As a Pakistani in Italy and Europe, prof. Mobeen announces: "We want to come together and make Italian and European institutions aware of this situation, so that they ask Pakistan to have the utmost respect for the accused, and to stop those who are taking the law into their own hands. Too many innocent people are victims of extrajudicial executions", he concludes. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/09/2014)