Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - Catholics are called to build "true brotherhood, based on love and mutual respect" in Indonesia: says the final message, written at the conclusion of the General Assembly of the Indonesian Bishops, sent to Agenzia Fides by Kamilus Pantus, Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications. "In the pluralistic society of Indonesia, to profess the Catholic faith means to do it in coexistence with neighbors of different religious and ethnic groups", says the text, noting that the required path of interreligious dialogue expresses "an attitude of openness in truth and love", as the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (n. 250) says.
For this reason, the Bishops - at the conclusion of a meeting that was attended by 36 Bishops and an apostolic Administrator - agree that, in order to build true brotherhood, not just an attitude of tolerance is needed, but we must go further, promoting an attitude of love and mutual respect. The final message of the Assembly, entitled "To proclaim the joy of the Gospel", was signed by the President of the Indonesian Bishops Conference, Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo, Jakarta, and the Secretary General, Archbishop Johannes Pujasumarta, Semarang.
The message said that "God the Father calls the faithful to be the channel of love towards others, especially for the young, the weak, the poor, the marginalized, the forgotten, and for the victims of any unjust political, economic, cultural and communicative system". In this context, "every Christian in Indonesia" is asked to proclaim the joy of the gospel, presenting the values of the Gospel as leaven in society", reads the text. So that the presence of the Church becomes "joy for its people and for society", the Bishops invite to continue the path and commitment to seek "new ways of being Church in Indonesia". (PA-PCP) (Agenzia Fides 17/11/2014)