Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "We have learned with dismay of the attack in Paris. Pakistan is still in shock after the terrorist attack in Peshawar, which took place a month ago, causing the death of more than 140 people, mostly children. The government has launched a strong campaign against terrorism and extremism. It seems that in the case of Paris, the problem is always blasphemy against Islam: this is a sore point in our country. The effect here may be to strengthen the commitment of those fighting terrorism; but, on the other hand, the attack used as 'promotional tool' may encourage other terrorist actions": is the analysis of Shane Cecil Chaudhry, Executive Director of the "Justice and Peace" Commission of the Pakistani Bishops, interviewed by Agenzia Fides in the aftermath of the attack against the French satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo", in which 12 people lost their lives.
"The majority of Muslims in Pakistan, even many Islamic leaders have said no to violence in the name of Allah, reiterating that killing is not compatible with Islam. But it is also true that the reception in Pakistan of an act as this greatly depends on how mass media presents it. "The Christians of Pakistan, he concludes, "remember the victims in their prayers and express solidarity with their families, stressing the urgent need to build a society based on dialogue, peace, harmony". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/01/2015)