Rawalpindi (Agenzia Fides) – A 52-year-old Muslim man, Abid Mehmood, accused of blasphemy in 2011 and released from prison a few days ago because of physical and mental disabilities, was killed by masked men. His disability had been certified by a board of doctors at the hospital in Rawalpindi. His body was found in an uninhabited area, near the train station of Usman Khattar, in Rawalpindi. His body was brought to the village where he lived and was buried in the backyard of his house.
The blasphemy law - says a note sent to Fides by the Pakistani NGO "Lead" - "is increasingly becoming a weapon in the arsenal of religious extremists. After the episode of the two Christian spouses burned alive because accused of blasphemy, the climate of fear, especially among religious minorities, is stronger. "Even people who are judged innocent and released are in danger: a prime example is Younas Masih, a Christian who had been sentenced to death and then released after acquittal by the High Court of Lahore. Masih is still forced to live in hiding for fear of being identified and killed by extremists. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/01/2015)