Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - For the faithful in Jakarta Lent is a special time for mission in the suburbs. The communities of the archdiocese, from the biggest parishes to the smallest, from religious congregations to lay groups and associations, trying to respond to the appeal launched by Pope Francis, have launched a special pastoral commitment to reach and bring the Gospel in situations of hardship, poverty, marginalization.
The mission in the suburbs is the central theme of the pastoral Letter issued for Lent by the Archbishop of Jakarta, His Exc. Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, and delivered to all local communities.
In the text, the Archbishop asks us to pray "so that each of us, families and our communities are grateful and caring" encouraging all the faithful to "embody the spirit of gratitude".
Lent is "a time of spiritual pilgrimage that will be more meaningful if it is marked by prayer", which allows you to "reap the fruits of redemption of the new life given to us by God", writes Mgr. Suharyo.
The Archbishop reflects on "the dynamics of the Eucharist" and proposes it as a model for every believer: every Christian is called to "become bread" offering himself for the lives of others. Im particular accompanying and taking care of "the lepers of our time", the marginalized of today, those who are rejected and abandoned, live in poverty, are victims of human trafficking or crime, and their human dignity is widely trampled. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/02/2015)