Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - "A Catholic politician is he who gives, first of all, a good example with life": says to Agenzia Fides Ignasius Jonan, Indonesian Transport Minister, the only Catholic in the government of new president Joko Widodo. In this short span of time, the minister has tried to bring in politics ethical values of transparency, honesty, fairness, cooperation, working for the common good of the country.
In his previous assignment Jonan, 51, led the railways of the state and he always tried to improve services for all users, with special attention to the poorest citizens. Today he is struggling with the reform of the sector and the aviation system. In the first months of government he had to deal with the critical case of the disappearance of the low cost airline AirAsia Indonesia, which crashed into the sea between Surabaya and Singapore, on December 28. The minister has introduced stricter controls. "As a member of a government that is an expression of pluralism and cultural and religious diversity in Indonesia, Jonan says: "We hope to build a peaceful and harmonious nation, in a peaceful world for all human beings". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/03/2015)