Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – Their mission is to serve the local Church: a service of proclaiming the Word of God, taking part in Liturgical celebrations, and in charitable work. With these words Rev Sebastian Francis Shaw OFM Catholic Archbishop of Lahore, welcomed five new Deacons (Capuchin Franciscan Friars) to the Catholic community in Lahore. Fides learned from Father Francis Nadeem, Capuchin Provincial in Pakistan, the Mass for the ordination to the diaconate was celebrated in the church of Saint Mary of Lahore. In his homily the Archbishop expressed the joy of the entire community, speaking of the service offered to the people by deacons. Archbishop Shaw recalled “the evangelical presence of Capuchin Franciscan Friars who, amidst many difficulties carried on their mission in this region of southern Asia, promoting the life, the growth and the development of the Church in Pakistan”. “Today Franciscans with their works of charity and their presence are visible witnesses of Christ’s concern for every person without discrimination, and they increase appreciation for the Catholic Church in Pakistan society”, the Archbishop concluded, saying he hoped the five new deacons would find their place in the framework of a presence which is humble, discreet and loving. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 22/10/2015)