Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - Advent for the faithful in Pakistan is a time to "stay awake", "a time of renewal and spiritual growth, a time to experience the presence of God that guides us every day": says to Agenzia Fides Fr. Arthur Charles, Director of the Catechetical Centre of Karachi, who recently held a meeting in preparation for the Advent season, which was attended by over 800 faithful, priests, religious, seminarians and lay people. As reported to Fides, the central theme was the meeting and practical advice for the celebration of the Advent season.
During the assembly, Archbishop Emeritus Evarist Pinto recalled that Advent "is a time, a season to prepare your heart and mind to Christmas and wait for Christ".
The Archbishop invites the faithful to a "devout and joyful wait" that values the symbols like the crib and is not only "taken by the commercial and consumerist fury": "It is not easy even in Pakistan to remain faithful to the true spirit of Advent", he remarked, recalling that the Christian "is a witness of Jesus the Savior of the world.
The Archbishop encouraged the faithful to spend time in prayer: for example attending Mass on weekdays, praying the rosary every day, especially the Joyful Mysteries and the Mysteries of Light.
Advent, in this year of mercy, he concluded, is also a favorable time for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/12/2015)