Bandung (Agenzia Fides) - "To fully live one's vocation in order to present the face of God's mercy to the world": this is the commitment of the men and women religious in Indonesia, at the conclusion of the Year of consecrated life and the beginning of the New Jubilee Year. As Fides learns, the monks and nuns of 70 religious congregations in the archipelago, reaffirmed it by participating in a solemn Mass celebrated in recent days in Lembang, a city in the western part of Java island.
Consecrated persons, especially in the Holy Year, feel called to exercise "compassion and sharing, proclaiming the joy of the Gospel and the salvation of one's neighbor, especially the young, the weak, the poor, the displaced, the disabled, participating actively to protecting Creation", reads the statement presented at the end of three days dedicated to consecrated life in Indonesia.
The religious reiterated their commitment to "wake up the world", by signing a text that will be distributed in all the religious orders that do apostolate in Indonesia, saying one is ready to "continue the pilgrimage of faith which was begun by the predecessors, renewing the spirituality and charism of their community, while maintaining a close relationship with God". "With one heart and one soul - continues the text sent to Fides - we want to continuously develop the life of fraternity and religious life in the community".
In this work, concludes the solemn statement, one has faith and hope in God and asks for the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Lord, and of the founders of religious congregations. (PCP-PA) (Agenzia Fides 15/12/2015)