Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - "2015 has been a year of unprecedented violence and serious violations of human rights in Bangladesh. Women, children and elderly were hit, innocent people killed. Schools, institutions, mosques, churches, activists, missionaries have been the targets of attacks. Intolerance appeared in a very visible manner throughout the year": says to Agenzia Fides Rosaline Costa, Catholic activist for years engaged in the "Justice and Peace" Commission and now Director of the NGO "Human Rights Trust". "The rise of religious extremism and intolerance is a concern for all of us. For the first time in Bangladesh foreign nationals were attacked and killed". "There has been an increase in attacks by Islamic extremists against bloggers, writers, journalists, missionaries, religious leaders, aid workers. These incidents have turned the country into a valley of death. During the year, many left the country quietly" she continues. There were several victims, and in addition to those who lost their lives, she notes, "twelve priests and pastors, a Bishop, 14 academics, and human rights activists received death threats", she reports.
"The government tried to control the media several times with the introduction of a law that restricts freedom of expression. The government also blocked social media channels such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, Skype" she continues. "The life of tribal and religious minorities has been constantly under threat for the phenomenon of land grabbing", recalls Costa.
In such a situation, "Christians, the smaller community in a predominantly Muslim country, still offer a significant contribution in the field of education, development and the promotion of justice, peace and human rights for the poor and needy" she concludes. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 21/12/2015)