Semerang (Agenzia Fides) - In the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Archdiocese of Semarang (Central Java) invited the Pastors of different Protestant churches to an ecumenical celebration that brought together Catholics and Protestants. "At first, it was not easy to bring together Protestant pastors" refers to Fides Father Aloys Budi Purnomo, head of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs in the Archdiocese of Semarang. "In the Church of Christ the King in Ungaran, Semarang, the Pastors of various Christian denominations accepted our effort to work for peaceful harmony among Christians of various denominations", said the priest. More than 50 Pastors of 20 denominations, from various cities in Java and other islands, attended the vigil for the opening of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
In addition to Christian Pastors and Catholic priests, there were about 1,200 Catholics and Protestants, from children to elderly people. Rev. Markus, president of the Council for the Cooperation of Churches in Semarang admitted that "ecumenical worship is a great sign of God's work. Our wish has come true with this special, lively and incredibly ecumenical prayer" he said. Father Aloys Budi Purnomo noted that this meeting means "appreciating the prayer of Jesus who wanted his disciples to live in harmony, peace and unity". (PCP-PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/01/2016)