Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - His name was Elias Abiad and was only 22 years old. The young volunteer of Caritas Syria was killed on Saturday, February 13th in Aleppo by mortar shells which fell in the area of Sulaymaniyah. This news was given by the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, Michel Roy, in a message of condolence to Elias’ family in which he emphasized that also the sacrifice of the young volunteer "reminds us of the continuing daily tragedy of Syria, and the urgent need of cease fire and peace". Elias was engaged in assistance projects carried out by Caritas Syria in Aleppo since September 2014.
On Sunday 14 February, Bishop Georges Abou Khazen OFM, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo for the Catholics of Latin Rite, issued an appeal in which he also recalls the sacrifice of Alias Abiad: "I am writing from Aleppo" says the appeal, relaunched by Ora Pro Syria "where we have been under continuous bombardment on civilians causing deaths, injuries and destruction. Four people died last night in our neighborhoods and more than fifteen were wounded, in addition to houses and apartments which were damaged". "These bombings, added the Franciscan Bishop, are carried out by groups called 'moderate opposition' and as such are defended, protected and armed, but in reality do not differ from other jihadists except for the name". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 16/02/2016)