VATICAN - The Pope invites to spiritually join Chinese Catholics on May 24

Monday, 23 May 2016 local churches   prayer  

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, Sunday, May 22, at the end of the Angelus, Pope Francis observed that Tuesday, May 24, the Catholics of China celebrate Mary "Help of Christians", who is venerated in China. Saying that: "we will unite spiritually to the Catholic faithful in China, who on that day celebrate with particular attention the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Help of Christians" venerated at the Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai. We ask Mary to give to her children in China the ability to discern at all times the signs of the loving presence of God, who always welcomes always forgives. In this Year of Mercy, Chinese Catholics, along with those who follow other noble religious traditions, can become a concrete sign of love and reconciliation. In this way, they may promote an authentic culture of encounter and harmony of the whole society, the harmony that so loves the Chinese spirit" (SL) (Agenzia Fides 23/05/2016)
