Transparencia electoral
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - The electoral appointment on July 28 "will mark the future" of the Venezuelan Republic. For this reason it is necessary to overcome the temptation of abstentionism and apathy, and take note that "free, conscious and responsible participation in these elections is of great importance in order to plan a future of hope and build a country of progress, peace, justice and freedom". It is first and foremost a strong appeal not to desert the polls launched by the Venezuelan Bishops in view of the upcoming presidential elections, scheduled for Sunday July 28. But in the lengthy 18-point document released at the end of the Bishops' Conference's last plenary assembly, the Bishops also express realistic and alarmed judgements on the state of the country, acknowledging the "situation of serious crisis that is affecting the people, subject of democracy".
Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro confirmed his re-nomination for a third term on March 16, 2024.
Among the other candidates, Edmundo Gonzàles Urrutia, was chosen to represent the Unitary Platform, the main opposition political alliance.
In recent years - reads the bishops' pronouncement – Venezuela "has experienced a constant deterioration of the systems of education, food, health, public services, citizen participation, justice and the freedoms enshrined in the national Constitution". A situation aggravated by the fact "that many institutions have become self-referential, at the service of a single political party".
Even in the face of this situation, the Venezuelan people still have "a new opportunity to make decisions through a conscious and free vote that will produce a profound reform of democracy, civil society and the quality of life". July 28 - insist the Bishops - "should be a day of democratic celebration not only in our territory, but also where our migrant brothers and sisters are, who will vote in the hope of being reunited with their loved ones in a homeland that will open the doors to development and happiness".
The Bishops' document recognizes that what is taking place in Venezuela is "an atypical electoral process, in which there are not equal opportunities for all. For the peace of the people, it is necessary that the persecution and harassment of those who provide the necessary tools for the rallies and the freedom of movement of candidates with options other than the government's must cease".
In particular, the Bishops recall the responsibilities of the National Electoral Council, which is called upon to guarantee "transparency and reliability of the results to the country and to every citizen who votes", and those of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces as "guarantors of democratic institutionality".
According to the bishops, the list of tasks that will have to be tackled by those who are elected is long: "the reintegration of the State and the country, the promotion of the separation of powers of the State, the promotion and respect for human rights, the planning of a new economy that generates jobs and a living wage, the improvement of the quality of public services, the reconfiguration of the education system, knowing that the key to all progress lies in the humanization of education". It is also necessary to "strengthen the health system to provide decent and effective care for the sick, fight poverty and corruption, promote respect for civil liberties and freedom of expression".
In the final part of their statement, the Bishops invite "the people of God on pilgrimage in Venezuela, in every parish and community, to intensify the spaces for prayer for the peace and well-being of our country, and for the electoral process to take place in an atmosphere of respect". (GV) (Agenzia Fides, 15/7/2024)
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