AFRICA/CONGO RD - Appeal by Butembo university students: “Enough 30 years of war imposed on us to plunder our country's resources”

Tuesday, 18 March 2025 students   wars   justice   armed groups   war crimes   peace  

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) – “We have been living in war for more than 30 years. The war was born before our generation. It has produced misery, millions of internally displaced people, millions of dead” say the university students of Butembo-Beni, in North Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since January, vast portions of territory in the provinces of North and South Kivu have been conquered by the M23 guerrilla movement with the support of the Rwandan army, including the two capitals, Goma and Bukavu.
In their appeal, sent to Fides, the members of the Student Council of the Catholic University of Graben in Butembo-Beni complain that “the international community has had a passive attitude”. “The conflict endangers the sovereignty of the DRC and our right to life. Children, women and men are exposed to atrocities and all kinds of violence and human rights violations”.
The students raise ‘a cry of alarm’. “Aware of the challenges and problems related to peace and security in the world, we express our and the Congolese people's great weariness. For too long we have been attacked, massacred, killed, deprived of fundamental freedoms, stripped of human dignity. We need peace”. The Butembo-Beni university students remind us that at the root of the war imposed on the Congolese population, there is no ‘ancestral’ conflict, but topical economic and strategic interests: “There is no longer any need to prove that economic and expansionist reasons lie behind this tragedy. Material interests make us prey: our mineral resources, necessary for the technological and energy transition, are among the most coveted by world powers. But to access them, is it really necessary to kill us, condemn us to misery, destroy our cities, our homes, our environment?”. An example of this predation is given by the 10 tonnes of strategic minerals taken in mid-February by M23 militiamen from a plant in South Kivu (see Fides, 26/2/2025; on the kind of Congolese strategic mineral wealth (see Fides, 1/2/2023).
This is why the students demand that “our riches benefit the daughters and sons of the DRC. We want the powers to negotiate directly with the DRC partnerships conducted in a fair and peaceful manner, in the interest of all peoples. Our resources must not be extorted through illicit exploitation, at the cost of our lives. Together we must find ways to share them with respect for all human rights and the principle of sovereignty of states”.
“We therefore launch an urgent and pressing appeal to all actors on the international scene, so that they play their role correctly. They must work to ensure that the world finds peace and security, to ensure that all the peoples of the world finally have a peaceful life. We have neither weapons production industries nor nuclear weapons laboratories. Why impose war on us? We want peace and security, without conditions”, they conclude. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides, 18/3/2025)
