AFRICA/MALI - Operation Sounkalo Solidarité: solidarity, sharing, social cohesion during Ramadan and Lent

Thursday, 27 March 2025

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - Since March 1, the official start of Ramadan, thousands of people of all faiths have gathered in various locations across the country to share food, which is distributed every afternoon at 6:00 p.m., when Muslims can break their fast.

The initiative, launched by the Malian government, aims to create a climate of solidarity and cohesion among the population and consists of distributing meals and food packages to everyone. Every day, workers, local authorities, and NGOs gather with the population to break the fast at designated locations such as football fields, open spaces, or mosques to share the meals provided (61 locations across the country and 300 food packages per day and location).

This year, the occasion is even more significant, as Ramadan for Muslims coincides with Lent for Christians. Thanks to this initiative, the entire population has the opportunity to share not only food but also genuine moments of aggregation. In a climate of solidarity, people feel motivated and encouraged, despite the instability in the country. Life continues as normal for everyone until the evening, when everyone, from local authorities to religious and ordinary citizens, gathers for meals that conclude with prayers and blessings in a true atmosphere of conviviality, peace, and social cohesion.

In addition to the packages delivered to the main religious organizations by the President of the Republic's Commissioner for Social Works on March 4, 2025, another 50 tons of rice were delivered to the country's main Muslim and Christian religious organizations on March 13, 2025, by the Minister of Religious Affairs, Worship, and Customs, Mahamadou Konè, in the presence of Mahamane Adamou Cissé, Deputy Director General of the Maison du Hadj, as well as numerous religious leaders, members of the government, and civil society actors at the Maison du Hadj.

Mahamane Konè recalled on this occasion that this initiative is part of the Operation "Sounkalo Solidarité" of the President of the Transitional Government, Army General Assimi Goita, and aims to provide support to vulnerable populations through religious structures. For his part, Mahamane Adamou Cissé emphasized that this initiative testifies to the commitment of the highest authorities of the transition to the Muslim and Christian religious communities, noting that in this blessed month, a month of sharing, piety, and solidarity, this gesture takes on a very special meaning that will allow many families to live this time with dignity.

Since 2012, Mali has been ravaged by a civil war between the country's regular army, Tuareg rebels, and various jihadist groups in conflict with the central government and among themselves. According to international statistics, the escalation of this political crisis has led to two further military coups in 2020 and 2021, respectively, while conflicts between the various armed groups within the country have further intensified since August 2022, when French troops withdrew from Malian territory, ending a nine-year military operation.

Following the dismissal of Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maïga on November 20 of last year, the government is currently led by General Abdoulaye Maïga, and presidential elections are not expected soon. Local sources indicate that security in the country has improved thanks to the opening of various barracks and frequent movements organized by the countries of the "Alliance pour l'État du Sahel" (AES). (AP) (Agenzia Fides, 27/3/2025)
