AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Death of Bishop of Torit
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - Bishop Akio Johnson Mutek, Bishop of Torit (South Sudan) died at the Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi on Sunday night, March 17.
According to the Catholic Radio Network Mgr. Mutek was rushed to the ho ...
AMERICA/HONDURAS - The Pastoral Care of Migrants also involves the parishes
Comayagua (Agenzia Fides) - There are 10 parishes involved in the Pastoral Care of Migrants (PMH in Spanish) in the Diocese of Comayagua. Sister Lidia Mara Silva de Souza, national coordinator of the PMH, attended the el ...
AFRICA/LIBYA - The Coptic church in Benghazi set on fire
Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - The Coptic church in Benghazi was set on fire by unknown persons. The event took place yesterday, March 14. According to reports from the site of the "The Libya Herald" newspaper, unknown assail ...
VATICAN - The Argentine Bergoglio elected Pope of the Catholic Church
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Argentine, 76, a Jesuit, is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first Pope to be called Francis and he is the first South American in the histor ...
14 March 2013
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The joy and the prayer of Pope Francis’ compatriots
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz and President of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina (CEA), His Exc. Mgr. José Maria Arancedo sent a note to the newly elected Pope Francis, in ...
ASIA/INDIA - 70 000 Indian children exploited in 5000 coal mines
Shillong (Agenzia Fides) – From a bamboo ladder children descend into humid wells up to 20 meters deep, they crouch to get into a hole 60 cm wide and crawl in the mud for 90 metres before starting their long day of wor ...