14 March 2013
ASIA/INDIA - Bishop Machado: "Hindus and Christians welcome Pope Francis, a man of dialogue and charity"
Vasai (Agenzia Fides) - "All the people of India, Hindus and Christians, welcome with joy Pope Francis. We believe he will be a man of dialogue and charity ", says to Fides Agency His Exc. Mgr. Felix Machado, Bishop of V ...
14 March 2013
ASIA/INDONESIA - The Church in Indonesia near the new Pope: "We hope to promote dialogue with Islam"
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) – Emotion and high hopes for a renewed dialogue with Islam in the Indonesian Church, after the election of Pope Francis. His Exc. Mgr. Johannes Maria Pujasumarta, Archbishop of Semarang and Sec ...
14 March 2013
AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - "The Church needs Pope Francis’ simple gestures," said Bishop Ponce de Leon who knew him
Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) - "I met the then Cardinal Bergoglio two years ago when I was in Buenos Aires on holiday" says to Fides Agency His Exc. Mgr. José Luis Gerardo Ponce de Leon, Apostolic Vicar of Ingwavuma (in ...
14 March 2013
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni: "Pope Francis exhorts us to evangelize with apostolic zeal"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The new Pope told us that evangelization presumes apostolic zeal. And one must go out towards those in need, to proclaim the Gospel in the suburbs": is what Cardinal Fernando Filoni said, ...
13 March 2013
AMERICA/MEXICO - 4000 weapons collected in the Campaign "voluntary disarmament"
Cuajimalpa (Agenzia Fides) - Nearly 4,000 weapons have been recovered since 24 December within the campaign "For your family, voluntary disarmament" which provides for the exchange of weapons in exchange for money or foo ...
13 March 2013
ASIA/CHINA - The old restored church in the city of Hai Kou of the Diocese of Hai Nan consecrated and opened
Hai Kou (Agenzia Fides) - On March 9, the old restored church in the city of Hai Kou of the Diocese of Hai Nan was consecrated and opened. According to reports from Faith of Hei Bei, the church dedicated to St. Joseph wa ...
13 March 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Religious and civil society: it is urgent to revise the law of blasphemy
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The urgency for reform of the blasphemy law, its rules and procedures: is what the orders and religous Catholic congregations in Pakistan ask for in an appeal sent to Fides Agency, through their ...
13 March 2013
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - The advance of the rebels towards the east seems to have stopped
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - The advance towards the east of the dissident faction of Seleka who conquered Bangassou on March 11, in south-eastern Central African Republic (see Fides 03/12/2013) seems to have stopped.
"I w ...
13 March 2013
ASIA/IRAQ - The Chaldean Patriarchate: Church-related institutions are to be fair and transparent in the management of financial resources
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, Tuesday, March 12, the Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans - led by the new Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako, who celebrated his inaugural Mass on Wednesday, March 6 - issued a statem ...
13 March 2013
AFRICA/SUDAN - The oil deal between Sudan and South Sudan is a prerequisite for the implementation of the agreements of 27 September
Khartoum (Agenzia Fides) - Sudan and South Sudan have reached an agreement for the resumption of South Sudanese oil exports through Sudanese infrastructures.
The agreement reached in Addis Ababa also provides for the wi ...
13 March 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Real estate interest behind the attacks on Christians: looking for the perpetrators
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - There seems to be real estate interests and the attempt to expel Christians from Joseph's Colony, in the center of Lahore (in Punjab), behind the attack on behalf of the Muslim mob, which took pl ...
13 March 2013
VATICAN - HABEMUS PAPAM - We have a Pope: Cardinal Jorge Mario BERGOLIO, Pope Francis I
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - White smoke: Cardinal Bergolgio was elected Pope and took the name Pope Francis I.
From St. Peter's Basilica Pope Francis I delivered his first blessing "Urbi et Orbi".
(Agenzia Fides 13 ...
12 March 2013
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - "Seleka consists largely of jihadists, our situation is similar to that of Mali," says the Bishop of Bangassou
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "The rebels came from Bambari to Bangassou and after a 5-hour battle with the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), yesterday morning at 10 they entered the city," says to Fides His Exc. Mgr. Juan ...
11 March 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians Protest in Lahore, hundreds arrested by the police: the Bishops at the sit-in
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - High social and religious tension in Lahore, after the episode on Saturday, March 9, when 178Christians houses in "Joseph colony", in the district of Badami Bagh, were set on fire, in a case of a ...
11 March 2013
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Support of the African American community to the Caravan of Hope
Chicago (Agenzia Fides) - The Mexican priest Fr. Alejandro Solalinde received on March 10, the Rainbow Push Coalition support from Reverend Jesse Jackson at the "Caravan of Hope" which will tour the U.S. this spring to u ...
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