8 March 2013
ASIA - Civil and religious leaders united against nuclear weapons
Oslo (Agenzia Fides) - In front of dangerous wings of nuclear escalation and provocations launched recently by countries such as North Korea, religious leaders and civil society in the world raise a cry to stop nuclear w ...
8 March 2013
ASIA/TURKEY - Block the election bodies that administer the Foundations linked to religious minorities
Ankara (Agenzia Fides) - The General Directorate of Foundations in Turkey in recent days sent a letter to the Foundation for Religious minorities with a request to suspend the election of their respective Boards of admin ...
8 March 2013
AFRICA/KENYA - Waiting for the election results; the Bishops appeal for calm
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "We appeal to Kenyans to remain calm " while awaiting the election results, say the Bishops of Kenya, where count operations of the legislative and presidential elections held on March 4 are bei ...
8 March 2013
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - The truce between the gangs is a positive iniative, but more needs to be done
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The "truce" between the gangs in El Salvador is defined as "positive", because it has saved the lives of about 2,000 people. This was reported by the Security Minister David Munguia Payes a ...
8 March 2013
ASIA/HONG KONG - Cardinal John Tong encourages catechumens to participate actively in evangelization
HongKong (Agenzia Fides) - Before leaving for Rome for the Conclave, Cardinal John Tong, Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, encouraged the catechumens to participate actively in evangelization to bear witness to Christ. ...
7 March 2013
ASIA/CHINA – Itinerant priest in remote communities
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Several Catholic communities in mainland China have created the figure of the itinerant priest during Lent. According to what Faith of He Bei said, the priests of the diocese of Bayanur Meng (Sh ...
7 March 2013
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Tomorrow a Mass for the late President Chavez presided over by Cardinal Urosa in Rome
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Mass in honor of the late President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias will be held tomorrow Friday, March 8 at 7 pm in the Church of Santa Maria ai Monti, Via della Madonna dei Monti, ...
7 March 2013
ASIA/IRAQ - New Chaldean Patriarch Sako takes possession of the See of Baghdad: "The storm will have to pass"
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The new Chaldean Patriarch of the Church Louis Raphael I Sako yesterday Wednesday, March 6 celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the mass of enthronement of the Patriarchal See in Baghdad. T ...
7 March 2013
AFRICA/CONGO DR - Fighting continues in North Kivu despite the agreements in Addis Ababa
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - More than 120 people have lost their lives in fighting in the territory of Masisi and Rutshuru (90 km from Goma, capital of North Kivu in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo). Thi ...
7 March 2013
AFRICA/MALI - The population of Mali finds hope again
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - The military successes of the Franco-Malian troups (supported by those in Chad) in the north of Mali incourage people who see a possible way out from the crisis. "Not only jiahdisti groups were e ...
7 March 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Petition to remove the death penalty under the law of blasphemy
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – To eliminate the death penalty under the law of blasphemy and withdraw the charges against Sherry Rehman: this is what the petition launched by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), non- ...
7 March 2013
ASIA/NORTH KOREA - Prison camps spread out and encompass the villages
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The notorious "prison camps" that exist in North Korea, where more than 200 thousand political prisoners and dissidents are detained, for reasons of conscience and religion, are getting bigger and ...
7 March 2013
AMERICA/CHILE - Education should become a benefit for everyone is what the Bishop of Rancagua hopes
Rancagua (Agenzia Fides) - At the beginning of the school year Mgr. Alejandro Goic, Bishop of Rancagua (Chile), hopes that "education can become a benefit for everyone, especially the poor." "The legitimate demands of th ...
6 March 2013
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Death of Chavez: Cardinal Urosa Savino will celebrate Mass for the repose in Rome
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, Archbishop of Caracas, will celebrate a "Mass" in honor of the late President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias in Rome, where he is to attend the conclave that ...
6 March 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - A Christian Pastor released, who was arrested for alleged blasphemy
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The Christian Protestant Pastor Karma Patras, 55 years old, arrested in October 2012 on false charges of blasphemy, was released on bail after his accuser admitted he accused him "incorrectly". A ...
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