7 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - APMA mediation fails in the case of Farah, the Catholic Islamized by force
Lahore (Fides Service) - The first attempt of mediation by the "All Pakistan Minorities Alliance" (APMA) in the case of Hatim Farah, the kidnapped Catholic girl, married and converted to Islam by the Muslim Iliyas in Zee ...
7 July 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO-"Respect for migrants' asked by the Bishop of Cordoba
Cordoba (Agenzia Fides) - The safety and respect for life are necessary for Central American migrants who cross the lands of Veracruz, and it is our duty to give them hospitality to make their journey easier, although th ...
7 July 2011
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN-Only 48% of the population has access to drinking water
Kabul (Fides Service) - Only 48% of the Afghan population has access to drinking water and only 37% use reclaimed health services. This emergency situation reflected the serious health implications, particularly for ch ...
7 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - A nun from Punjab: "Christians dehumanized, in a system that only protects the rights of the powerful"
Lahore (Fides Service) - "We Christians are truly dehumanized, we are treated as objects and as goods to sell. We live in a system where only the powerful have rights. For us Christians, justice in courts is not guarante ...
6 July 2011
AMERICA/BRAZIL-Final preparations for the first meeting of Childhood and missionary Adolescence in the state of São Paulo
São Paulo (Fides Service) - Final preparations in sight of the 1st RMCMA (Regional Meeting of Childhood and Missionary Adolescence) which will take place on 16 and 17 July in the town of Embu (see Fides 03/25/2011) to ...
6 July 2011
AFRICA/CAMEROON-Appointment of the Rector of the major philosophical Seminary "Paul VI" in the diocese of Bafoussam
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On May 27, 2011 Archbishop Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed Rev. Dominique Ndeh, of the diocesan clergy in Bafoussam, Rector of the ...
6 July 2011
ASIA/TAIWAN-The Dioceses of Taiwan celebrates Sea Sunday for the first time
Tai Chung (Fides Service) - For the first time, the local Church of Taiwan will celebrate Sea Sunday in communion with the universal Church, on Sunday, July 10. His Exc Mgr. Bosco Lin Ji Nan Bishop of Tai Nan and Presid ...
6 July 2011
AMERICA/COLOMBIA-The Bishops ask for a serious structural reform of the health care system
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - During the second working day of the Plenary Assembly of the Colombian Bishops' Conference, being held in Bogota (see Fides 04/07/2011), the Bishops have strongly confirmed the complaints of the ...
6 July 2011
AMERICA/CHILE- Cold polar wave: winter campaign to help earthquake victims and the weakest
Concepcion (Agenzia Fides) –The Archbishop of Concepción, His Exc. Mgr. Fernando Chomalí, has launched an appeal to the Chilean people so that they do not forget the poverty of those who still live in villages set u ...
6 July 2011
AFRICA/SUDAN - "Despite the tensions, a festive atmosphere is lived on the eve of independence", says the Secretary general of the Archdiocese of Juba
Juba (Fides Service) - "The spirit of the population is high, there is excitement about the event. Feverish preparations are under way to fix streets and paint the buildings", says Fr. Martin Ochaya to Fides, Secretary ...
6 July 2011
VATICAN- The new edition of the Atlas hierarchicus on the Church's presence in the various continents was presented to the Pope
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning, July 6, at 11am, His Exc. Mgr. Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, accompanied by Rev. P. Giancarlo Girardi, SVD, Editor of the pu ...
6 July 2011
ASIA/LAOS- The victims of unexploded ordnance have decreased, but the danger is still high
Vientiane (Agenzia Fides) - The number of people involved in accidents caused by unexploded ordnance (UXO) in Laos, the country with the largest number of cluster bombs around the world, has fallen from an average of 300 ...
5 July 2011
ASIA/MYANMAR- Fighting continues in the north, while the refugees are dying from hunger and disease
Banmaw (Fides Service) - Non-stop fighting continues in the civil war that is affecting the north of Myanmar, where the Burmese army and the guerrillas of the Kachin Independent Army are confronting each other (see Fides ...
5 July 2011
AMERICA/COSTA RICA-"We are witnesses of the great suffering of migrants," say the Bishops of North and Central America
San Jose (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of North and Central America are asking their governments to take responsibility for the legal protection of migrants. In a recent statement they claim to be "witnesses of the great ...
5 July 2011
AFRICA /NIGERIA - "I do not exclude political reasons, someone could use the sect Boko Haram" says the Bishop of Maiduguri after recent attacks
Maiduguri (Fides Service) - "It is clear that the tension in the city is very high, since there are armed groups who go around shooting people", says Mgr. Oliver Dashe Doem to Fides, Bishop of Maiduguri, in north Nigeria ...
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