2 July 2011
EUROPE/POLAND - School for Missionary Animators: enthusiasm and new ideas
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - The Missionary Training Center in Warsaw hosted the School for Missionary Animators, organized and promoted by the team of the National Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Poland from 26 to 29 ...
2 July 2011
VATICAN-Benedict XVI to the FAO, "even food has become object of speculation or it is related to financial market trends that is linked to the single objective of profit"
Vatican City (Fides Service) - "Poverty, underdevelopment and therefore hunger are so often the result of selfish attitudes that from the heart of man is manifested in its social action, in economic exchange, market cond ...
2 July 2011
ASIA/CHINA-The solemnity of the Sacred Heart celebrated in various continental communities
Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - With the Holy Mass, Eucharistic adoration, the profession of religious vows, several Chinese communities celebrated the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which recurred yesterday, J ...
2 July 2011
ASIA/INDONESIA-The young people of Borneo ready for WYD and to build a better nation
Palangkaraya (Fides Service) - Prayer and listening but also creativity and looking to the future: these are the characteristics of the "Youth Day", a gathering of young Catholics of Indonesian Borneo (the region also kn ...
2 July 2011
ASIA/THAILAND - Corruption and Rule of Law: Challenges to the nation on the eve of elections
Bangkok (Fides Service) - The perennial problem of corruption, the gap between elites and masses of rural population; respect for the rule of law and freedom of expression: these are the most urgent challenges in the Tha ...
2 July 2011
AFRICA/EGYPT - Tahrir Square fills up again with protesters. The opinion of a missionary to Fides
Cairo (Fides Service) - Thousands of people demonstrated yesterday, 1st July, in Tahrir Square in Cairo to ask the trials against those who ordered the violent suppression of the revolution of January and February to be ...
2 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Prime Minister meets religious minorities: "You will have a new Ministry"
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yousaf Raza Gilani, today met a delegation of representatives of religious minorities of Pakistan in Islamabad and has officially announced the upcoming creatio ...
2 July 2011
AFRICA/KENYA- 50 years of AMECEA celebrated in Nairobi
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year, founded in 1961. The anniversary coincides with the 17th Plenary Assembl ...
1 July 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-Annual report of "Aid to the Church in Need": 5,587 projects funded in 153 countries
Rome (Fides Service) – The 2010 Annual Report of the Work of Pontifical Right "Aid to the Church that Need" (ACN), founded by Father Werenfried van Straaten in 1947 has been published: in 2010 ACN raised a total of do ...
1 July 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Cardinal Okogie: "No to Islamic Banking, because it is a plan to subjugate Christians"
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Cardinal Okogie: "No to Islamic Banking, because it is a plan to subjugate Christians"
Lagos (Fides) - Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, Archbishop of Lagos, has expressed his opposition to the proposal ...
1 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Minority rights and the future of Christians: the Catholic minister is "confident"
Islamabad (Fides Service) - Although the Federal Ministry that presided has just been "dissolved" - after a Provincial decentralization plan approved by the Parliament - the Catholic Akram Gill, until yesterday Minister ...
1 July 2011
ASIA/MYANMAR - Caritas, the only organization committed to the humanitarian emergency in the scene of war
Banmaw (Fides Service) - To meet ongoing humanitarian emergency in northern Myanmar - scarred by civil war between the army and rebels of the Kachin Independent Army (see Fides 06/30/2011) - Caritas has put into the fiel ...
1 July 2011
AFRICA/SUDAN - Mothers forced to give birth on the roadside: "the situation of displaced people of Abyei is still dramatic," says the Apostolic Administrator of Malakal
Juba (Fides Service) - "The situation of displaced people of Abyei remains dramatic, despite the arrival of some humanitarian aid", said Mgr.Roko Taban Mousa to Fides, Apostolic Administrator of Malakal in southern Sud ...
1 July 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG-Proclamation and testimony, the two recommendations from Mgr.Tong to catechists
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Proclamation and testimony to fulfill the mission of evangelization. This is what His Exc. Mgr. John Tong, Bishop of Hong Kong, recommended to the catechists in Hong Kong during the awards cer ...
1 July 2011
AMERICA/ARGENTINA-Third Workshop of the Missionary Groups; on October 1 the opening of the October missionary in the coastal region
Funes (Agenzia Fides) - On 25 and 26 June, the laboratory of the Missionary Groups for the coastal region was held in the town of Funes, Archdiocese of Rosario. There were 29 participants belonging to the dioceses of Ros ...
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