12 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The case of Farah Hatim arrives at the High Court of Punjab, the Catholic girl Islamized by force
Multan (Fides Service) - The High Court in Punjab will judge and determine the truth about the case of Farah Hatim, the Catholic girl kidnapped, Islamized and forced to marry a Muslim man in the city of Rahim Yar Khan i ...
12 July 2011
ASIA/CHINA-From the Vatican Council II to the current pastoral: summer training in the diocese of Liao Ning
Liao Ning (Agenzia Fides) - In order to improve overall preparation of priests, religious men, religious women and laity of the diocese, the diocese of Liao Ning in the northeast province in mainland China a series of tr ...
12 July 2011
AFRICA/SOMALIA-Drought emergency for 10 million people
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - The worst drought in 60 years has created a devastating food crisis that is hitting 10 million people in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Only this year, more than 135 000 Somalis have fl ...
12 July 2011
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN-Maternal and infant mortality rate among the highest in the world
Kabul (Fides Service) - 50 women die in childbirth every day in Afghanistan, one in three has suffered psychological or sexual violence, and the average age of survival is 44. According to the report State of the World' ...
12 July 2011
EUROPE/POLAND-New draft law against any type of abortion
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - The Pro-life activists Foundation in Poland have collected 600 000 signatures in favor of a bill that would prohibit any type of abortion in the country protecting the unborn from the moment of c ...
12 July 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO-The VII World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism in Mexico, where 22 million tourists arrived in 2010
Cancun (Agenzia Fides) - The Vatican will have the full support of the Mexican authorities for the realization of the VII World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism to be held from 23 to 27 April 2012, assured the Am ...
12 July 2011
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Two American tourists kidnapped, the nightmare of "Abu Sayyaf" returns
Zamboanga City (Fides Service) – Fear for tourists and missionaries in south Philippines returns. The news of the kidnapping of two American tourists on holiday on the island of Tictabon, off the coast of Zamboanga Cit ...
12 July 2011
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR-Church's appeal to stop violence: killed 77 students killed and 114 murders committed on public transport
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in El Salvador asks to join the security situation due to the insecurity the country is living and facing and considers very serious the fact that authorities and leader ...
11 July 2011
EUROPE/ITALY-The "White Sisters" are opening the 24th General Chapter
Rome (Fides Service) - The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (MSOL), known as the "White Sisters", are opening their 24th General Chapter in Rome, on July 13. For three weeks, until August 3, the 41 capitulants w ...
11 July 2011
AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE-Father Balthazar Barreira: the first missionary in West Africa
Freetown (Agenzia Fides) - On July 25, 1605, feast of St. James the Apostle, the first missionary in West Africa, the initiator of the African missions in that corner of the planet: father Balthazar Barreira landed in Po ...
11 July 2011
VATICAN-"Sea Sunday": the Pope prays for seamen kidnapped by pirates
Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) – On Sunday, July 10, on the occasion of the celebration of the so-called "Sea Sunday", that is to say the Day for the apostolate in the maritime environment, during the Angelus the Holy ...
11 July 2011
AMERICA/PANAMA-"There seems to be a divorce between the interests of the political class and the concrete needs of the Panamanian people", say the Bishops in their message
Panama City (Fides Service) - At the end of the 192 Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Panama (see Fides 07/07/2011), the Bishops issued a document, also sent to Fides, divided into two distinct parts: the ec ...
11 July 2011
AMERICA/CHILE-The image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Missionary on Easter Island
Santiago, Chile (Agenzia Fides) - The missionary image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, donated by the Holy Father to Chile, will travel 4,000 km to complete its journey across the continental country and island: the news wa ...
11 July 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Paul Bhatti: "Education, legal support, political commitment: my plan for religious minorities"
Islamabad (Fides Service) - A global action plan to improve the conditions of religious minorities, promote their rights, ensure life safety: is what the Catholic Paul Bhatti has in mind, Special Advisor to the Prime Min ...
11 July 2011
ASIA/MALAYSIA - Prime Minister meets the Pope: diplomatic relations and "crucial points" in the lives of Christians
Kuala Lumpur (Fides Service) –The current, fluid, political situation in Malaysia, has weakened the Prime Minister, as he prepares to meet Benedict XVI, in a "private visit", scheduled for July 18 at Castel Gandolfo, ...
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