29 July 2010
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN - Flash floods in western and north eastern provinces leave a wake of dead, injured and homeless people
Kabul (Agenzia Fides) – According to the Afghanistan National Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA), sudden floods in various part of Afghanistan killed 20 people and destroyed dozens of homes. The north eastern provi ...
29 July 2010
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - UN Women: new United Nations entity to deal with the protection and promotion of women all over the world
New York (Agenzia Fides) – With an historic move, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organisation has instituted a new entity for the protection and promotion of women all over the world. The entity will come i ...
29 July 2010
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bolivarian Meeting of Holy Childhood in Bogota
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) – With the slogan "Children are the hope of a Church renewed in its missionary commitment ", from 27 to 30 July the First Bolivarian Meeting for leaders of Holy Childhood and Adolescent Missionar ...
29 July 2010
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Regional Meeting of Latin America Communications delegates
Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) – Cochabamba in Bolivia, is hosting a meeting of Bishop presidents of Commissions for Communications -RIIAL, Area Sistemi, executive secretaries of Communications and Press of the Commissions ...
28 July 2010
AFRICA/UGANDA - AU Summit focus on terrorists; children and mothers killed by disease and malnutrition forgotten
Kampala (Agenzia Fides)- Every year in Africa 4.5 million children and 265,000 pregnant women die of disease and malnutrition. This drama was to be the focus of the African Union Summit in Kampala, in Uganda, which ende ...
28 July 2010
AFRICA/SOMALIA - Civilians suffer increasingly because of fighting in Mogadishu
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - Fighting continues in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu, where Shabab insurgents are in conflict with army soldiers loyal to the Transitional Federal Government backed by troops of AMISOM (Afr ...
28 July 2010
AMERICA/PERU - The situation of Peru's poorest citizens should not leave the rest of the nation indifferent, Catholic Bishops say
Lima (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Peru has drafted a message for the country's Anniversary of Independence. A copy of the message was sent to Fides. Today, 28 July, Peru is celebrating 189 year ...
28 July 2010
AMERICA/CHILE - Closed for five months, Concepcion Cathedral now open for worship
Concepcion (Agenzia Fides) – Catholics in Concepcion welcomed the news that the city's cathedral, seriously damaged in the earthquake which shook Chile on 27 February this year and closed for repairs for five months, ...
28 July 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - First convention for Catholic youth ministry leaders from all over Australia
Sidney (Agenzia Fides) – Leaders of Catholic Youth Ministry from all over Australia will take part in the first Catholic Youth Ministry Convention ACYMC to be held in Melbourne 1 and 3 October, open to all involved in ...
27 July 2010
EUROPE/ITALY - Summer serving others: young people and families on mission
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Gioventù e Famiglia Missionaria is an international organisation promoted by the Catholic Church Movement Regnum Christi, present in over 20 different countries. Each year in July and August it or ...
27 July 2010
AFRICA/REPUBLIC DEMOCRATIC OF CONGO - Poverty and illiteracy worsen living conditions pushing minors to prostitution
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - A dramatic and concerning situation emerges from an inquiry carried out by a don Guanella Mobile Team, involving 315 young girls living on the streets in the district of Tshangu, a district wh ...
27 July 2010
AFRICA/NIGERIA - National Task Force to combat spread of illegal weapons
Abuja (Agenzia Fides)- According to the United Nations Organisation about eight million illegal weapons circulate in West Africa, a consistent percentage of these in Nigeria. This was affirmed by Gen. Aliyu Gusau, Nation ...
27 July 2010
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Insertion course for newly arrived missionaries
Bissau (Agenzia Fides)- The dioceses of Guinea-Bissau are organising a course 2 - 27 August, for recently arrived missionaries, we read in a statement sent to Fides. The course provided for new missionaries includes basi ...
27 July 2010
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Prolonged Aid and Recovery Operation in the region of Chocó
Condoto (Agenzia Fides ) – One of the poorest regions of Colombia, Chocò, has been included in a Prolonged Aid and Recovery Operation , supported by the UN World Food Programme, to provid poor families with basic nutr ...
27 July 2010
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - To reactivate relations between Colombia and Venezuela "we must keep working together"
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in Colombia and Venezuela is committed to improving relations between the two countries according to report sent to Fides by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Colombia.
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