16 July 2010
ASIA/TAIWAN - Chinese language edition of “The joy of loving: a guide to daily living with Mother Teresa” marks the 100 anniversary of the birth of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Taipei (Agenzia Fides) – With the publication of 2,000 copies of a new Chinese language edition of the book “The joy of loving: a guide to daily living with Mother Teresa”, the Daughters of St Paul in Taiwan wish ...
16 July 2010
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - For the Church “the law allowing same sex marriage has been forced on the nation, with total disregard for the people”
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – Following almost fifteen hours of debate, the senate of Argentina approved a law to allow marriage between persons of the same sex. Argentina is the first Latin American country to adopt ...
16 July 2010
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Seminar on the missionary value of serving the sick and the elderly
Salta (Agenzia Fides) – The Pontifical Mission Societies in Salta, together with the archdiocesan Commission for Mission Pastoral, have organised for Saturday 17 July a Seminar on the theme: "Missionary Ministers of Co ...
16 July 2010
AMERICA/MEXICO - Emergency children in the community of Monte Albán
Oaxaca (Agenzia Fides) – As a result of the earthquake which struck Mexico on 30 June, there is concern for the condition of a children's canteen in Monte Albán where, a recent after-tremor caused a landslide to fall ...
16 July 2010
AMERICA/HAITI - Six months after the earthquake the country needs still more help with agriculture
Port-au-Prince (Agenzia Fides) – Six months after the devastating quake while timely food assistance and agricultural inputs helped avert a post-earthquake food crisis in Haiti, insufficient funding for agriculture con ...
16 July 2010
ASIA/MYANMAR - Resignation of Auxiliary Bishop of Pyay
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, on 16 July 2010 accepted the renunciation of the office of Auxiliary of the diocese of Pyay (Myanmar), presented by Bishop Gregory Taik Maung, titular Bishop ...
16 July 2010
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Appointment of the Bishop of Ikot Ekpene
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, on 16 July 2010, appointed as Bishop of the diocese of Ikot Ekpene (Nigeria) Rev. Camillus Raymond Umoh, Professor at Catholic Institute of West Africa in Po ...
16 July 2010
ASIA/KOREA - Appointment of Military Ordinary in Korea
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, on 16 July 2010, appointed as Military Ordinary in Korea, Rev. Francis Xavier Yu Soo-il, O.F.M, Vicar in the Franciscan House of Formation Seoul.
Friar Franc ...
15 July 2010
EUROPE/SPAIN - There is no such thing as the right to kill an innocent human being says the Archbishop Burgos
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – The Archbishop of Burgos Francisco Gil Hellin, in a recent statement reported by the Catholic News Agency, affirmed that there is no such thing as the right to kill an innocent human and conse ...
15 July 2010
EUROPE/GERMANY - Benedictine Missionaries of St. Ottilien and creation protection
Sankt Ottilien (Agenzia Fides) – Today 15 July at the Benedictine Abbey of the Missionaries of St. Ottilien, work begins to build a bio-gas plant for the production of electrical power. The abbey compound, which includ ...
15 July 2010
AFRICA/R. D. CONGO - “ Without peace, it is impossible to see the way forward ”: Congress on Peace in Uvira
Uvira (Agenzia Fides) - In the diocese of Uvira in the Democratic Republic of Congo there has been no peace for over seven years and “without peace, it is impossible to see the way forward, or even rebuild the region ...
15 July 2010
ASIA/TURKMENISTAN - Local Catholic Church receives official government recognition
Ashgabat (Agenzia Fides) – “We have received official recognition as the ‘Catholic Church in Turkmenistan’. We are filled with great joy and great hope”: Fr Andrzej Madej, Superior of the Catholic Mission in T ...
15 July 2010
ASIA/TURKMENISTAN - “Religious freedom is the nucleus and the foundation of peace”, says the Superior of the Mission Sui Iuris
Ashgabat (Agenzia Fides) – The theme chosen by the Pope for the next World Day for Peace 2011, “is especially important today when, in so many parts of the world, religious freedom is violated or limited. With great ...
15 July 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Angry Muslims stage protest, a hail of stones hits local Catholic church
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) – “About a hundred Islamic militants marched in protest calling for the death of two Christians accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed. A little Catholic church was battered by a ...
15 July 2010
ASIA/CHINA - New burial for the earthly remains of a young Belgian missionary and a consecrated lay woman remembering “their missionary example”
Bao Tou (Agenzia Fides) – “We have come here today not only to give new burial and to inaugurate this beautiful plaque in memory of Scheut missionary Fr. Jozef Leemans, (CICM), and Yan Francesca Chiara, but also to r ...
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