21 July 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians killed: seven days of mourning
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) – Christians in Faisalabad, besides police, social and religious organisations have announced that they will observe seven days of mourning for the two Christian brothers murdered two days ag ...
21 July 2010
ASIA/HONG KONG - Evangelising through reading: inauguration of Catholic area at Hong Kong Book Fair 2010
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Today, 21 July, at 10.30am local time (Hong Kong), Mgr Michael Yeung Ming Cheung, diocesan vicar of Hong Kong, presided the solemn blessing and inauguration of the Catholic stands at the ann ...
21 July 2010
AMERICA/MEXICO - “I am a missionary and I bring all people to encounter Christ ”: Union of Sick Missionaries Meeting
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) – From 16 to 19 September 2010 the 14th National Meeting of the Union of Sick Missionaries (UEM) will take place in Saltillo, Coahuila, with the slogan: " I am a missionary and I bring all p ...
21 July 2010
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Women religious in the fight against human trafficking of women
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Sr Joan Kennedy, a member Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH), presented herself at the United Nations as the representative of a Commission on Discrimination aga ...
21 July 2010
AFRICA/MALAWI - Creation of the diocese of Karonga and appointment of first Bishop
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, on 21 July 2010 created the diocese of Karonga (Malawi), with territory taken from the diocese of Mzuzu, making it a suffragan of the Metropolitan See of Blan ...
20 July 2010
AFRICA/SÃO TOMÉ - Less poverty, more development: “the Church must never be afraid to evangelise ”
São Tomé (Agenzia Fides) – “ While not overlooking the role of governments and various institutions active in the social field, with freedom and courage the Church must assume her prophetic role to proclaim the Gos ...
20 July 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bishop of Faisalabad: “Obscure forces foment interreligious tension and hatred”
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) – Bishop Joseph Coutts is anxious and exhausted after being up all night, in constant contact with the civil authorities and the police which succeeded in restoring law and order in the subur ...
20 July 2010
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Mob attack on Christians: “sleepless night” for the Church in Faisalabad
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) – “Policemen patrol every street in Waris pura. After last night's attacks, the situation is tense and some panic stricken Christian families are barricaded in their homes. I and other Cath ...
20 July 2010
ASIA/CHINA - New Bishop of Xiamen ordains first deacons: diocese collects funds for flood victims
Xiamen (Agenzia Fides) – “The solemn ordination of three deacons is a sign of the unity of the people of God, communion in the diocese of Xiamen in Christ and with the universal Church”. This was the most widesprea ...
20 July 2010
ASIA/INDONESIA - The tragedy of child offenders detained in the same prison as adults
Jantho (Agenzia Fides) – Thousands of children in Indonesia live behind prison bars. The minimum age of penal responsibility is eight years, often for very minor offences. Most minor offenders detained in prisons where ...
20 July 2010
ASIA/INDIA - "Guanelliana Summer" for children: summer school for more than 500 boys and girls aged 5 to 15
Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - Guanelliana Summer for children in India coincides with the months of April and May, when lessons stop and the temperature in places rises to 45°, as it does in the mission in Andhra Pradesh, ...
20 July 2010
AMERICA/CHILE - The ardour of Pauline Jaricot for Young Missionaries' National Day (JOMIS)
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) – “A Missionary Church with Pauline, without borders or barriers” is the theme of the next Young Missionaries National Day (JOMIS) to be celebrated all over Chile on 22 July. According to i ...
19 July 2010
VATICAN - “Without profound meaning, whatever we do is simply activism, fruitless and haphazard ”
Castel Gandolfo (Agenzia Fides) – “Without love, even the most important activities lose value and fail to bring joy. Without profound meaning, whatever we do is simply activism, fruitless and haphazard. And who give ...
19 July 2010
AFRICA - Peace, respect for human life and human rights, intercultural and interreligious dialogue: agreement between African Union and Community of S. Egidio
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - A Protocol of agreement for cooperation between the Community of S. Egidio and the Commission of the African Union was signed on Thursday 15 July at the African Union head offices in Addis ...
19 July 2010
AFRICA/TOGO - New paediatrics and neonatology departments in the poorest part of the country at Afagnan Hospital
Afagnan (Agenzia Fides) - Two new departments, paediatrics and neonatology, complete with the modern equipment will soon be opened at Saint John of God Hospital at Afagnan in Togo. A hospital recently nominated Ambassado ...
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