30 November 2017
ASIA/BANGLADESH - In the figure of the Pope, believers desire to "touch Jesus"
Dacca (Agenzia Fides) – Thanks to the visit and presence of Pope Francis in Bangladesh, a nation facing numerous difficulties as well as political and social challenges, “the little flock of Bangladeshi Catholics des ...
29 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Religions give a valuable contribution to peace: with the prayer of the cloistered nuns
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - Interreligious dialogue is a launched and functional reality in Myanmar and there are good relations among leaders of different communities of faith. "These factors actively promote social harmon ...
29 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Pilgrims from all over Southeast Asia at the Pope’s Mass
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - "We are happy to be close to Pope Francis during his apostolic journey in Burma and we pray intensely for this trip to be a special moment and the beginning of lasting peace and reconciliation fo ...
29 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Pope Francis to the Burmese Church: you bring everyone the "irresistible" love of Christ, which can heal every wound
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - Jesus did not teach us his wisdom "by long speeches or by grand demonstrations of political or earthly power but by giving his life on the cross". From the cross also comes "healing", because on ...
29 November 2017
AFRICA/NIGERIA - German Bishops denounce the persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Berlin (Agenzia Fides) - "The German Bishops 'Conference is showing solidarity with persecuted Christians all over the world", said His Exc. Mgr. Ludwig Schick, Archbishop of Bamberg, in charge of the missions of the Ger ...
29 November 2017
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - The commitment of the sisters of the Cavanis Community Jesus Good Shepherd against Illiteracy
Bereina (Agenzia Fides) - In Papua New Guinea illiteracy is rampant, child mortality is very high, as well as AIDS incidence data. A few years ago, the sisters of the Cavanis Community Jesus Good Shepherd, a congregation ...
29 November 2017
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - To evangelize under the guidance of Mgr. Oscar Romero
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) – To evaluate the pastoral work of each nation and propose new goals for next year: this is the purpose of the meeting of the Central American Bishops' Secretariat (SEDAC), formed by the Bi ...
29 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Pope Francis to Burmese Bishops: Your first task is prayer
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - By God's grace, "the Church in Myanmar has inherited a solid faith and a fervent missionary enthusiasm from the work of those who brought the Gospel to this land". And today's Burmese Bishops, su ...
28 November 2017
ASIA/INDIA - The Pope will not visit India: Catholic community disappointed
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church of India said it was disappointed that Pope Francis will not be visiting India as part of his South Asia trip. During his visit he will go to Myanmar and Bangladesh. The le ...
28 November 2017
AFRICA/BURUNDI - Poverty and malnutrition pervade people: the commitment of solidarity of the Saverians
Bujumbura (Agenzia Fides) - "At present, the problem of poverty is dramatic in Burundi: there is hunger, lack of food, prices are high and people are struggling to have the necessary. Families, usually composed of 6 peop ...
28 November 2017
AMERICA/PANAMA - Discriminatory legislation and violence against women continue to exist in the Country
Panama (Agenzia Fides) - In Latin America and the Caribbean, women by law cannot inherit land, have access to certain jobs, such as those in mines, or cannot give nationality to their children.
Despite the recent ratifi ...
28 November 2017
AFRICA/CONGO RD - Bishops: "President Kabila promises not to be a candidate in the 2018 elections"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - President Joseph Kabila must take the formal commitment not to be a candidate in the presidential election on December 23, 2018, ask the Bishops of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the m ...
28 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - "Francis effect": the government announces a conference on ethnic minorities
Naypyidaw (Agenzia Fides) - The Burmese government has announced the third session of the Conference on peace with ethnic minorities, called "Panglong Conference", for the last week of January: the initiative to continue ...
28 November 2017
EUROPE/SPAIN - A concrete response to the homeless: the commitment of Caritas Burgos
Burgos (Agenzia Fides) - "We are people. We have rights. No homeless": this is the theme of the national Spanish Caritas campaign dedicated to the homeless. During the presentation of the campaign last week, Fernando Gar ...
28 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Pope Francis to the Burmese authorities: healing the wounds of the Country is a "political priority"
Nay Pyi Daw (Agenzia Fides) - The people of Myanmar «have suffered greatly, and continue to suffer, from civil conflict and hostilities that have lasted all too long and created deep divisions». «The healing of those ...
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