27 November 2017
ASIA/MYANMAR - Kachin refugees give Pope Francis a wooden crosier: a wish for peace
Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - During his apostolic visit to Mynamar Pope Francis will use a handcrafted wooden crosier donated by the Catholic Kachin ethnic minority refugees, who are now in the refugee camp of Winemaw city, ...
27 November 2017
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Cardinal Brenes calls for a Christian burial for the boys killed in the clashes on November 12
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, Archbishop of Managua, asked the General Command of the Nicaraguan Army to deliver the bodies of Lea Valle’s two sons, 16 and 12 years old, who were killed on 12 Nove ...
27 November 2017
ASIA/IRAQ - US Congress approves draft law authorizing aid for "Christian militias" in the Middle East
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - From now on, the United States could channel direct aid to militias and armed self-defense groups organized by Christians in the Middle East, starting from the Nineveh Plain. The news was wid ...
27 November 2017
AFRICA - US Bishops launch a solidarity fund for the Church in Africa
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - "Africa faces the economic and social hurdles of enormous debt, epidemic, severe poverty, and political unrest. In spite of these challenges, the Church in Africa has almost tripled in size i ...
25 November 2017
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Pope Francis will discover the Bengali people: “simple, poor but strong”
Dacca (Agenzia Fides) - “The Holy Father's visit is an opportunity to show the world the wealth of Bangladesh, where communities with different religions and social and cultural traditions live peacefully side by side ...
24 November 2017
ASIA/TURKEY - The crisis of religious minority schools worsens. Now there are only 24
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides). The 24 schools belonging to Foundations and bodies associated with Christian minorities in Turkey are experiencing a critical phase again. The beginning of the new school year saw the drop in th ...
24 November 2017
AMERICA/MEXICO - Prayer for peace in Baja California Sur: 900 dead in three years
Baja California Sur (Agenzia Fides) – To pray for peace and families, victims of violence: yesterday November 23, at least one hundred priests from the five municipalities and more than 300 people gathered in San Marti ...
24 November 2017
AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Mnangagwa becomes Interim President; presidential elections scheduled for September 2018
Harare (Agenzia Fides) - On November 24th Emmerson Mnangagwa has become the new Interim President of Zimbabwe. Former Vice President succeeded Robert Mugabe, who resigned on November 21 after a long negotiation with his ...
24 November 2017
ASIA/INDIA - The Bishops of Gujarat: "In the elections the secular and democratic fabric of our Country is at stake"
Gandhinagar (Agenzia Fides) - The forthcoming legislative elections in the state of Gujarat (Western India) will affect the future of our country. We are aware that the secular and democratic fabric of our country is at ...
24 November 2017
AFRICA - Vigil for peace in South Sudan and the DRC: "We appreciate Pope Francis’ words and the strong participation of the faithful"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "We appreciate the Holy Father’s words and the great number of faithful who participated in the prayer", says to Agenzia Fides Sister Yudith Pereira Rico, of the Congregation of the Relig ...
23 November 2017
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Mgr. Fonseca: Massacre of peasants: the army and institutions must clarify
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "The army must immediately clarify this situation, it must save its honor. If it was not one of them, then someone must must tell us who he was, but this situation needs to be clarified as soon ...
23 November 2017
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - The bus to transport HIV positive women from the mission to the regional hospital has arrived
Addis Abeba (Agenzia Fides) - "The bus we asked to transport HIV positive women has arrived at last". This is what Father Christopher Hartley, a Spanish missionary who has been living in Gode since 2008 between Ethiopia ...
23 November 2017
AMERICA/BRAZIL - "Among those that society rejects, God becomes more visible": the experience of a missionary in the Amazon
Cucuí (Agenzia Fides) - "Mission strengthens our Christian lives, allows us to be present among the people, to discover in them the sign of God". This is what Fr. Luis Miguel Modino, Fidei donum Spanish missionary in Cu ...
23 November 2017
AFRICA - Prayer with the Pope for South Sudan and Congo: "The hope of peace is possible"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "With this initiative we want to make the South Sudanese and Congolese know that there are people outside of their two countries who care and pray for them", says Sister Yudith Pereira Rico to Agen ...
23 November 2017
ASIA/JORDAN - Caritas Jordan donates JD10,000 in support of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims
Amman (Agenzia Fides) - In compliance with the campaign launched by Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), in cooperation with Jordanian Professional Associations and civil society institutions, Caritas Jordan has ...
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