20 November 2017
AMERICA/MEXICO - War among the poor continues
San Cristobal (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, after the celebration of Sunday Mass during which the Universal Church celebrated the Day of the Poor, Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, Mgr. Felipe Ari ...
20 November 2017
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - 80% of the country in the hands of rebels; a missionary: "We are the poorest State in the world"
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "The war seemed to be over, but unfortunately it is not over everywhere", writes to Agenzia Fides Fr. Federico Trinchero, a Carmelite in the monastery Our Lady of Carmel in Bangui, capital of th ...
20 November 2017
ASIA/INDONESIA - I Vescovi: rafforzare la nazione sostenendo la Pancasila
ASIA/INDONESIA - Bishops: to strengthen the nation by supporting Pancasila
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) – In order to strengthen the nation, its unity, coexistence and social harmony, it is important for Indonesian Catholi ...
20 November 2017
AFRICA/GHANA - Contemporary (negative) values threaten the family: Bishops at a conference on Amoris Laetitia
Accra (Agenzia Fides) - "The phenomenon of teenage and single parenthood, poor or irresponsible parenting, separate household and distant marriages that make couples live apart, and in some cases far away from each other ...
20 November 2017
ASIA/PAKISTAN - In memory of the Christian couple burnt alive: education to their children
Lahore (Agenzia FIdes) - "Two innocent lives were eliminated due to the fanaticism present in our society; the horror of that unfortunate day will remain in our hearts and minds for years to come, not only did they burn ...
18 November 2017
ASIA/TURKMENISTAN - Six new baptisms on World Day of the Poor, while poverty remains a taboo
Ashgabat (Agenzia Fides) – To take part in the baptism of six new Turkmen sisters with joy: this will be the first World Day of the Poor - proclaimed by the Pope for November 19 - by the Catholic faithful of Ashgabat, ...
18 November 2017
AMERICA - "To look at the poor in the eyes", loving with facts and not words
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - On November 19, the Universal Church celebrates the First World Day of the Poor, on the theme "We do not love in words but with facts", an initiative born a year ago at the close of the Jubilee of ...
18 November 2017
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Archbishop Obinna: "The poor are our treasure"
Owerri (Agenzia Fides) - This Sunday in the parishes and then on November 29 in the Cathedral: in the Nigerian Archdiocese of Owerri, the "World Day of the Poor" is celebrated in two appointments. The first, explains Arc ...
18 November 2017
ASIA/TURKEY - The Ecumenical Patriarch re-opens the church of Ay'Yorgi Edirnekapi in Istanbul
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - The ancient church of Ayo Yorgi (St. George) in Edirnekapi, Istanbul's historic area, behind the walls of ancient Constantinople, re-pens after its restoration. On November 19, the Ecumenical P ...
18 November 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Not only charity: India between the World Day of the Poor and demonetization
While World Day of the Poor is celebrated on November 19, India, the world's largest democracy, is facing the economic and social effects of a controversial measure adopted by the government of Narendra Modi a year ago: ...
17 November 2017
ASIA/HONG KONG - Half a century of mission among the lepers: Don Gaetano Nicosia, the angel of lepers
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - It was August 1963 when the young Salesian missionary Don Gaetano Nicosia arrived in Ka Ho, a remote corner of the island of Coloane, Macau, to take care of a hundred patients suffering from H ...
17 November 2017
AMERICA/HAITI - Among poverty, illness, malnutrition, the care of missionaries towards the disabled
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) – In Haiti people live in huts, half of the population does not have access to drinking water, they do not have enough food and the highest rate of child mortality is recorded. One child ...
17 November 2017
AMERICA/MEXICO - Bishop's denunciation: exodus of the Tarahumaras indigenous due to violence
Tarahuamara (Agenzia Fides) - The Tarahumaras and Tepehuanes Indigenous are leaving their lands because they no longer find the necessary conditions for living there: reports the parish priest of San José of Tarahumara, ...
17 November 2017
ASIA/JAPAN - Joint appeal of the Bishops of Korea and Japan:"Peace in North Asia is not based on weapons"
Kagoshima (Agenzia Fides) - "The current situation in northeast Asia is very worrying. The countries of North Asia are looking for stability and prosperity with their military power, forming alliances with other great po ...
17 November 2017
AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Mugabe reappears in public; Christian leaders call for a government of national unity
Harare (Agenzia Fides) - "The hope of a real change is fading between the people of the Country, because President Mugabe seems does not want to give up power", say sources of the local Church in Harare, capital of Zimb ...
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