OCEANIA/SOLOMON ISLANDS - Survey for improving “Voice Katolika” Magazine
Honiara (Agenzia Fides) - The Communications Office of the Solomon Islands has recently performed a survey in hope of improving their services and in promotion of the “Voice Katolika,” a magazine on the local Churche ...
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Youth from Laos at WYD: a great sign of hope
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The participation of youth from Laos is a great sign of hope for the universal Church and a sign of vitality for the smaller Churches throughout the world that live in communion and are ready to ...
OCEANIA/SOLOMON ISLANDS - An Easter launch towards evangelization
Auki (Agenzia Fides) - Easter celebrations on Auki Island, part of the chain of the Solomon Islands, were characterized by a launch towards the proclamation of the Christian message and evangelization. Many local Catholi ...
8 April 2008
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Australia is ready for WYD 2008!
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - 225,000 people are now expected to attend the 23rd World Youth Day in Sydney. In a press conference held in Rome on April 7, the Australian Ambassadors to Italy and to the Holy See announced that ...
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - New community of consecrated laity in Broken Bay
Broken Bay (Agenzia Fides) - New religious and lay communities are springing up in the Australian Church; evidence of this is the new community of lay consecrated women that has been officially announced in the Diocese o ...